IJLLD or The International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse is inviting submissions for its journal by way of a Call for Papers. The submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.
About the Journal
The International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse (IJLLD) is an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural peer-reviewed scholarly journal, integrating academic areas of law, linguistics, discourse analysis, psychology, and sociology, presenting articles related to the discussion of the linguistic aspects of law and legal issues, challenges and theory in legal interpretation/translation, and comments and review of such matters as arising at the nexus of language, law, and discourse; serving as a practical resource for lawyers, judges, legislators, applied linguists, discourse analysts and those academics who teach the future legal generations alongside practitioners in relevant fields.
Categories of Submissions
- Full research papers: These include submissions that report interesting and relevant research. The author(s) must discuss how their findings have broad relevance internationally and contribute something new to the field of inquiry.
- Non-research papers: These include submissions providing detailed and contextualized reports. The Journal also accepts very well documented discussions that make an original contribution to the profession.
There are no minimum or maximum word limits. Manuscripts typically run 5,500 to 11,000 words in length.
Submission Guidelines
- The submission must be made through the link given at the end of this post.
- Author(s) must specify if their paper is a full research paper or a non-research paper.
- The submitted manuscript must not have been previously published or under consideration for publication at any other journal/book/conference.
- The APA (American Psychological Association Publication Manual, 7th edition) style of referencing must be followed. Footnotes are strongly discouraged; endnotes should be limited in number and length.
- Biographical statements and e-mails of the author(s) should be provided on the first page of the document, and not within the manuscript pages.
- Tables and figures are to be included in the manuscript at the point they are intended to appear, with a table or figure caption respectively.
- Further details of submission, including a manuscript template (not required at initial submission), can be found on the submissions link above.
- Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis — typically the submission to publication process requires 3-5 months to complete.
- No submission, processing, or publication charges are levied by the Journal.
Review Process
- The Journal undertakes a double-blind peer-review process.
- Each submission is first assessed by the publisher or Chief or Senior Editor before undergoing the peer review process.
- Although the language of manuscript submission must be in English, the language under analysis may be other than English.
- The quality of the submission is not limited to the usage and fluency of language, but it is to be noted that the Journal gives significant importance to a high level of academic and written competence in English.
- The decision on acceptance of the manuscript will be communicated to the author(s) within 10-12 weeks from the date of submission.
- All communications following the initial submission through the website will be through e-mail only.
Contact Information
For more information, please visit the official website of IJLLD. For queries, kindly write to editor[at]ijlld.com