Libertatem Magazine

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Libertatem News Network

UK Elections- An Underrated Wave

I have always followed a principle in life. I never believe what the masses are telling me with regard to my incapability. At first, I try to give it a shot, then whatever the result is, I accept it with my head held high. By doing this, I get an

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Anarchy In Democracy: Something’s Not Right!

Insights into the shaping of the new political landscape in India, with reference to Church vandalism in Haryana. Being a Muslim, having studied in a Christian Missionary school and befriended girls from Hindu and Sikh families, I had never really had a chance to sneak into this ‘India’ of insecurities

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The Salman Khan Effect: Favoritism Thwarts Democracy Dynamics

“Be ye ever so high, the Law is above you”, unless of course you are a Bollywood Biggie with a massive fan following. Salman Khan hit-and-run case that involved the actor crashing his Toyota Land Cruiser into American Express Bakery thereby running into pavement dwellers, killing one and injuring four

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The Leaked TPP Chapter on Investor State Dispute Settlement: A Storm is Coming!!

A new chapter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was leaked by WikiLeaks on March 25th, 2015. Through this chapter, it was perceived that the US wants to introduce an Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanism (ISDS). TheTPP is a notoriously secretive trading arrangement between United States, Mexico, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Chile, Singapore,

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A Way Towards Pollution Free Delhi

The environment problems in Delhi are a threat to the inhabitants of the city as well as the flora and fauna of the city. It is the fifth most polluted metropolis in the world and is one of the most polluted cities in India. As many as 10,000 people die

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Net Neutrality: The Cry For Freedom

Is internet really important in our life? I know it is a very stupid question to ask but for a moment, just think about all the things you obtain through internet or all the everyday problems which internet solves. The list goes long. In the 21st century, internet has become

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Regulating Insider Trading: An Overview

The Insider Trading subsists of those securities transactions wherein any person connected with the company have such confidential information though unpublished, having the tendency to impact on the company’s market price utilize such for their personal benefits. India being the 9th largest economy as the market capitalization recently exceeded U.S

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NJAC Act: The Constitutional Battleground

Granvile Austin noted, “An Independent Judiciary begins with who appoints what calibre of judges” The hon’ble Supreme Court’s admission of petitions challenging the Constitutionality of the National Judicial Appointments Commission must be read in light in of this statement and must be interpreted in the scratch of upholding the notion

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