Libertatem Magazine

Picture of Mary Lavinia

Mary Lavinia

Delhi High Court: Bride’s Conduct of Being in Her Room, Not Doing Household Work, or Disinclination For a Physical Relationship is Not Cruelty

The Delhi High Court, in the case of Vishal Singh v. Priya concluded that the new bride’s conduct of being in her room, unwillingness to perform household chores, or making a physical relationship is not cruelty to a husband. Facts of the Case Vishal Singh had married Priya on 29.11.2012 according

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Delhi High Court Issues Notice to Ensure Display of Manufacturing Country’s Name on Products Being Sold on E-Commerce Websites

The Delhi High Court issued notice in a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed. This was to ensure that a manufacturing country’s name was displayed on products being sold on E-Commerce websites. Brief Facts of the Case China had caused several disruptions to not only India but the entire world through the Coronavirus

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Denial By Delhi High Court of Plea Seeking COVID-19 Testing Labs to Be Set up in Courts for Advocates, Judicial Officers, Staff

The Delhi High Court asked the Delhi Government to decide a representation seeking an arrangement of COVID-19 testing labs in Court premises for advocates, judicial officers, their staff and family members (Vishesh Verma vs Govt of NCT of Delhi). Brief Facts of the Case Advocate Vishesh Verma, an advocate and social activist,

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