Libertatem Magazine

Picture of Jaydeep Findoria

Jaydeep Findoria

Economy: Hanged in Between of Fill Up and Tape Up

The Backdrop of Holding Debt: Which Objective to Satisfy, A Never-Ending Trade-Off! Have you ever tried to fill an empty bucket, with a hole underneath it? Any guesses on how long would it take to fill the bucket? Though it is a little goofy but a constant force of water

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GN Saibaba’s Bail Opposed by State in Bombay High Court

The State Government opposed the bail application that former Delhi University professor GN Saibaba filed before the Bombay High Court. The professor uses a wheelchair due to his disability and is in an Anda cell due to which he requires necessary medical attention. Thus, he is in a separate place

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Lockdown Again In Pune & Other Districts Of Maharashtra Without Guidelines

A public interest litigation was filed before the Bombay High Court. It challenges the State’s decision to re-inject lockdown in districts of Maharashtra. The dates are starting from July 14 for 10 days. They are without issuing guidelines for providing some financial assistance/aid. These aids are regarding the farmers, labourers

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