Libertatem Magazine

Section 9 of Industrial Disputes Act 1947 Bare Act & Notes

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Section 9 of Industrial Disputes Act 1947 Bare Act & Notes

The Finality of Orders Constituting Boards, etc 

(1) No order of the appropriate Government or the Central Government appointing any person as the chairman or any other member of a Board or Court or as the presiding officer of a Labour Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal shall be called in question in any manner; and no act or proceeding before any Board or Court shall be called in question in any manner on the ground merely of the existence of any vacancy in, or defect in the constitution of, such Board or Court. 

(2) No settlement arrived at in the course of a conciliation proceeding shall be invalid by reason only of the fact that such settlement was arrived at after the expiry of the period referred to in sub-section (6) of section 12 or sub-section (5) of section 13, as the case may be. 

(3) Where the report of any settlement arrived at in the course of conciliation proceeding before a Board is signed by the chairman and all the other members of the Board, no such settlement shall be invalid by reason only of the casual or unforeseen absence of any of the members (including the chairman) of the Board during any stage of the proceeding.]

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