Libertatem Magazine

Call for Papers: NIU’s Journal for Socio-Legal Affairs: Submit by August 31

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About the Noida International University

Noida International University is a UGC recognized World Class University. Spread over 75 acres of and, offering 150 courses and housing over 4000 students both domestically and from 25 international countries | NIU is Delhi NCR’s Largest Private and Best Upcoming Institute (awarded by ASSOCHAM 2016 and 2018).

School of Law and Legal Affairs of Noida International University has as its goal to enrich legal education by providing an environment in which law students can begin to learn the art of lawyering by serving real clients, and can develop the habit of reflecting on how to improve themselves, the profession, and the legal system.

The School of Law and Legal Affairs has continued to change to meet the needs of students, clients, the community, and the Law School. In particular, we are proactive about constantly assessing and revising our educational methods.

NIUJSLA is an annual journal, run by academicians, peer review, open access Socio-Legal E-Journal of School of Law and Legal Affairs, Noida International University. It is a great platform of sharing knowledge and great research material in the field of law amongst students, Research Scholars, Practitioners and Academicians.

The Journal is an initiative of the School of Law and Legal Affairs towards fine research on contemporary Socio-Legal issues and inter-disciplinary matters across the country. The Journal accepts research papers, articles, case comments and legislative reviews and other multi-disciplinary manuscripts.

Publication Policy

It is open access, eco-friendly journal and runs on a virtual platform. As per our policy, they follow paper-less publication to avoid the usage of paper. The journal is accessible to everyone from all around the globe by simply visiting the University website of the School of Law and Legal Affairs, Noida International University.

We prioritise engaging with the authors throughout the publication process to keep the author’s idea intact and avoid any dilution in the content.

The manuscripts submitted must be original. Any manuscript which has been already submitted to any other publication should not be submitted. We maintain a strict policy on plagiarism. Any manuscript if found plagiarized will be rejected. NIUJSLA shall remain the sole copyright user of all the published manuscripts. None of the research material or any other part of the journal should be copied, stored or translated in any manner whether electronically or otherwise without taking prior permission of concerned authorities.

Instruction to the Author(s)

All abstracts should be submitted on or before 31st August 2021 at Information on Acceptance or Rejection of the submitted manuscripts will be conveyed within 10 workings days.

  • The Journal is an open-access platform and there is no publication fee.
    • Long Articles: 5000- 8000 words (exclusive of footnotes)
    • Short Articles: 3500- 5000 words
    • Case Comments: 1500- 2000 words
  • All submissions should be original manuscripts and should not be under the consideration in any other journal or other publication.
    • Abstract – 300 words
    • Key Words – 4 to 5
    • All Submissions should be in word.doc format
    • Font- Times New Roman
    • Font size- Title 16, Sub-title- 14, Content – 12, footnotes- 10.
    • Line Spacing- 1.15
    • Footnoting style – ILI
    • Co- Authorship up to a maximum of 2
  • Upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication the Authors are required to submit an undertaking form declaring that the manuscript is not submitted for consideration in any other journal for publication and it is an original piece of work.
  • All manuscripts will undergo a strict plagiarism check.
  • In case the manuscript is not up to the standard of the journal, it will be rejected at the 1st stage of

Official Notification is here

About the Author