Libertatem Magazine

Call For Papers: Google Scholar ‘International Journal of Legal Developments and Allied Issues’ (Volume 6, Issue 4), Submit by June 30

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International Journal of Legal Developments and Allied Issues (IJLDAI) is delighted to announce a call for papers for its Volume 6 Issue 4, which will focus on contemporary issues of law in the field of Contemporary Law (National & International).

Submission are Invited in Form of:

  • Articles
  • Research Work/ Academic Projects
  • Case Comments/ Case Analysis
  • Case Review
  • Book Review
  • Translations
  • Essay
  • Short Notes
  • Critiques

Submission Guidelines:

  • Authors should not mention their name or any kind of identification mark in the manuscript. Any manuscript found to have any details of authors shall be rejected upfront.
  • Article shall be of 2500-10000 words, book reviews: 1000-1500 words, short comment: 1000-1500 words.
  • All submissions have to be made in MS Word format with Font size 12 and 1.5 line space.
  • Co-authorship is allowed to a maximum of 5 Authors. 5 separate certificates will be provided to each author.
  • The piece should not be overly technical, but practical and engaging.
  • Papers must be written solely by the candidate, in English, and may not have been submitted for publication elsewhere.
  • All the claims of the authors, in the body of the manuscript, are expected to be backed by reasons along with proper citations [any uniform citation will do] and shall not be merely an assertion.
  • Submission should also mandatorily include the author’s view, in the conclusion, taking into considerations the aspects/contentions discussed throughout the manuscript.
  • Plagiarism is strictly prohibited and shall lead to immediate rejection.

Submission Procedure:

  • The deadline for submissions is 11:59 PM Indian Standard Time on 30th June, 2020
  • Authors should send their papers using the “Submit Article” link on the website i.e.
  • For any queries, contact us using the link on the website.

Article Processing Charge / Publication Fees:

The author/s are expected to deposit publication fee, once the research paper is accepted for publication. The mode of payment will be intimated to the Author/s via email.

Single AuthorRs. 1200/- [US $30 for International author]
Co-Authorship for 2 AuthorsRs. 1600/- [US $60 for International author]
Co-Authorship for 3 to 5 AuthorsRs. 2500/- [US $100 for International author]

Important Dates:

Submission Deadline:30th June, 2020
Intimation of Acceptance:5th July, 2020
Date of Publication of Volume 6 Issue 3:10th July, 2020


The Law Brigade (Publishing) Group,
WhatsApp: +91-9510696182

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