“A Public Interest Litigation has been filed in the Supreme Court alleging that there has been lapses by the Government of State of Jammu and Kashmir which led to Uri and Pulwama attacks where in 40 soldiers were martyred.”
A commission headed by the retired Supreme Court judge along with army, intelligence and local administration asked to conduct an enquiry in the Uri and Pulwama attacks in order to find out the lapses which at local level and also the role played by the Indian Nationals in helping the terrorist from Pakistan in executing the same.
Advocate Vineet Dhanda filed the petition before the Supreme Court alleging that the Government of India and the army after investigation found procedural lapses behind the Uri and Pulwama attacks but no proper measures were taken for conducting the enquiry on the same. Even the people behind such procedural lapses were not found and punished. Pakistani terrorist got the local support from the few disgruntled and anti-Indian residents of Kashmir but no investigation was carried out nor was any action taken to look deeply into what led to Uri attacks in 2016 which gave these terrorist the confidence which outfits like Jaish-e-Mohammad again leading to the attacks that happened on 14th February 2019. The same outfit carried out a suicide attack on our brave soldiers of CRPF as a result of which more than 40 soldiers were martyred.
“The said attack of Pulwama resulting in the loss of precious lives of our more than 40 soldiers is the result of Pakistan sponsored terrorism but local support to Pakistani Terror outfit is involved as it was next to impossible for a resident of Pulwama who went rogue and became terrorist to arrange 350 Kg RDX on his own and then carry out a cowardly act of bombing the convoy of CRPF Jawans and leading the loss of precious lives of CRPF Jawans leaving their families orphaned and helpless. It is high time to dig out all the people involved in Anti- India activities supporting Pakistani terror outfits especially those political party leaders who are not only supporting terrorism but are also actively involved in misguiding the youth to terrorism and hereby causing serious unrest and loss of precious lives of our soldiers for their monetary benefits which is resulting into the destabilizing not only The State of Jammu and Kashmir but also our great nation India”
The allegations made also alleged that the state of jammy kind Kashmir has played a role in helping militants there to promote the incidents of stone pelting on the armed forces and that the government has not taken any strict action in controlling the lawlessness in the State.
Other prayers in the petition:
- Issue an appropriate writ order or direction directing the Union of India and respondents to submit a detailed report regarding the action taken against the All Parties Hurriyat Conference leaders who are actively involved in anti- national activities.
- Issue an appropriate writ order or direction directing the Union of India and respondents to freeze all the accounts belonging to All Parties Hurriyat Conference and their leaders and submit an action taken report before this Hon’ble Court.
- Issue an appropriate writ order or direction directing the Union of India and respondents to withdraw security cover given to the leaders of All Parties Hurriyat Conference with immediate effect permanently with a speaking order and submit an action taken report before this Hon’ble Court.
- Issue an appropriate writ order or direction directing the Union of India and respondents to ban the All Parties Hurriyat Conference and other anti-national parties from contesting the Lok Sabha elections and other State polls.
- Issue an appropriate writ order or direction directing the Union of India and respondents to issue a notification making anti-national, anti-India, anti-armed forces, Anti-martyrs and other derogatory comments against our country on social media a punishable offence.
- Issue an appropriate writ order or direction directing the Union of India and respondents to keep a proper accounting and information regarding money being sent for the families of Pulwama attack martyrs so that the money reaches the families of martyrs only.
- Issue an appropriate writ order or direction directing the Union of India and respondents especially National Investigating Agency to formally charge, arrest, prosecute the leaders of All parties Hurriyat Conference against whom concrete evidence is available.
- Issue an appropriate writ order or direction directing the Union of India and respondents to take stern legal actions against those locals in the State of Jammu and Kashmir who attack the armed forces in any form.
- Issue an appropriate writ order or direction directing the Union of India and respondents to ban all the religious and political outfits and take action against all those who are involved in anti-India activities in the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
- Issue an appropriate writ order or direction directing the Union of India and respondents to directly involve in dialogue with the local youth of the State of Jammu and Kashmir through various welfare and interaction programs across the State.
- Issue an appropriate writ order or direction directing the Union of India and Respondent no. 9 to ban all the cultural ties with Pakistan and ban its artists, actors, musicians and players from entering and performing in India.