Libertatem Magazine

Internship: Call for Associate Editor/Editor at Forum of International Review of Human Rights Law

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The International Review of Human Rights Law [IRHRL] is annual, online, open-access and
peer-reviewed law journal. IRHRL Forum publishes short write-ups on themes of
International Human Rights Law, International Environment Law, International Criminal
Law, Business and Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law, Conflict and security and other relevant topics.

Currently, we are inviting students to join us for short duration i.e. may be for a month or two as Associate Editor/Editor of Forum. They will be responsible for writing blog post of 1000 – 1500 words and engaging with a scholarly publication. Outstanding Associate Editor/Editor of Forum may also join the Editorial Board of our journal. Certificates will be given to successful candidates after completion of work. Interested ones are requested to send their Resume by 1 October 2020 to

Please note: None of the positions in the journal is paid.


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