Libertatem Magazine

Call for Editors – Lex Specialis, Submit by July 30, 2020

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About Lex Specialis

Lex Specialis aims to be a platform to ignite the initiative and desire of law students, advocates, and academicians to contribute to the field of law. It aims to enable readers to explore challenges that lie before lawmakers, lawyers, and the society at large, in the event of the ever-changing social, economic, and technological scenario.

Role of an Editor

An Editor at Lex Specialis is expected to review articles, submitted on a rolling basis, by law students and practitioners. Typically, the interest area of the Editor is taken into consideration while allocating articles to her/him for review.


Any person currently studying in a recognised law school may apply for the position of Editor.


Those interested in applying may send their CVs, to The cover e-mail must give a brief profile of the applicant and highlight her/his interest areas. The deadline for submission of the same is July 30, 2020.

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