Libertatem Magazine

Webinar on Territorial Disputes under International Law by University of Madras [Sep 9, Zoom]: Register by Sep 8

Contents of this Page

The Department of Legal Studies, University of Madras is organising a One Day International Webinar on “Territorial Disputes under International Law: Effects and Consequences”.

Concept Note

Territorial disputes are a common source of armed conflict and war, yet, during the twentieth century, governments have resolved dozens of territorial disputes through recourse to international arbitration or adjudication. Understanding the controversies going around the world including India, the Department of Legal Studies has decided to organise a webinar on 9th September, 2020, highlighting the effects and consequences of the Dispute.


  • The Use of Arbitration to Settle Territorial Disputes
  • Territorial Disputes and ICJ
  • Territorial Disputes, and Foreign Direct Investment
  • International trade and Territorial Disputes
  • Effects of Territorial Disputes in International Relation
  • Territorial Disputes and Economic Integration
  • Peacekeeping and the settlement of territorial disputes- United Nation


Inaugural Session 2:30 – 3:25 PM

  • Invocation – Tamil Thaai Vaalthu
  • Welcome Address
  • Presidential Address
  • Inaugural Address
  • Special Address
  • Felicitations

Panel Discussion 3:10 to 5:40 PM

  • Panel – I – 3:25 PM – 4:40 PM
  • Panel – II – 4:40 PM – 5:50 PM

Valedictory Address 5:50 – 6:10 PM
Vote of Thanks 6:10 PM
National Anthem 6:15 PM


No Registration Fees.

First 500 participants will be accommodated.

Click this Google Form to register.

Last Date: 8th September, 2020

Online Platform: Zoom Meetings

Meeting ID and Password will be sent through your registered email.

Electronic Certificates will be issued for only those who have participated in the entire webinar and submitted the feedback form.


The Webinar Director: +91 94444 47703.

For the official website, click the link below.

International Webinar on Territorial Disputes under International Law is now on Telegram. Follow us for regular legal updates and judgements from the court. Follow us on Google News, InstagramLinkedInFacebook & Twitter. You can also subscribe for our Weekly Email Updates. Libertatem Group does not take any responsibility for the accuracy of this Event Notification. The post has been shared as we received it from the event organizers/host.

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