Libertatem Magazine

Webinar on Human Rights of Migrant Labourers in COVID-19 by RGNUL and Think India [July 6, 4:00-5:30 PM]: Register Now!

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About the Organisation

RGNUL’s Centre for Advanced Studies in Labour Welfare (CASLW) has been established with a view to improve and strengthen the Labour Justice System in India. The Centre for Advanced Studies in Human Rights (CASIHR) undertakes activities to promote advanced study and research in the emerging trends in Human Rights.

Think India as an organisation works for various causes such as upliftment of rural India, gender justice, initiating and encouraging India-centric thoughts and activities.

About the Webinar

Centre for Advanced Studies in Labour Welfare (CASLW) and Centre for Advanced Studies in Human Rights (CASIHR) of Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab (RGNUL) in collaboration with Think India, is organizing a one day International Webinar on “Human Rights of Migrant Labourers in COVID-19: Indian Scenario” on 6th July 2020.

The objective of the webinar is:

  • To raise awareness on the issues of labour laws and its violations.
  • To identify educational and social strategies to address the issue.
  • To collect, share and develop innovative responses and best practices for elimination and prevention of violation of the human rights of the labourers.
  • To give recommendations and concrete proposals for action for elimination and prevention of crimes related to labourers and their human rights violations.

The theme of the Webinar

The major theme of the event is “Human Rights of Migrant Labourers in COVID-19: Indian Scenario”. The webinar is divided into different sub-themes mentioned below:

  • Migrant Labour and Dilution of Labour Laws
  • Human Rights of Migrants Labour
  • Protecting Rights of Migrant Labour
  • Migrant Labour post COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities

Keynote Speakers

  • Hon’ble Mr. Justice Mohan Peiris, (Former Chief Justice, Sri Lanka)
  • Ms. Jyotika Kalra, (Member, National Human Rights Commission)
  • Sri CK Saji Narayanan, (National President, Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh)

Schedule for the Webinar

  • 4.00 p.m- 4.05 p.m: Inaugural Address
  • 4.05 p.m- 4.25 p.m: Sri C. K. Saji Narayan (National President, Baratiya Mazdoor Sangh)
  • 4.25 p.m- 4.45 p.m: Ms. Jyotika Kalra (Member, National Human Rights Commission)
  • 4.45 p.m- 5.05 p.m: Hon’ble Mr. Justice Mohan Peiris (Former Chief Justice, Sri Lanka) – Presidential Address
  • 5.05 p.m- 5.30 p.m: Question Answer Round/Valedictory


All students, professionals, scholars, policy enthusiasts as well interested persons are encouraged to apply.

Details for the Participant

  • Date and Time of the event: 6th July 2020 at 4.00 pm to 5.30 pm.
  • Digital Platform for the event: WebEx.
  • There is no registration fee for the webinar.
  • Participants shall be given e-certificates on the completion of the webinar.

How to Register?

Participants have to register themselves by filling this google form.

Contact Details

Vijaya Singh: Student Coordinator, Team Think India


Contact Number: +918289013215

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