Libertatem Magazine

Students For Liberty’s Round Table Conference on Rape Culture [Nov 21, 2:15 PM]: Register Now!

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South Asia Students For Liberty is delighted to present to you a Round Table Conference on Rape Culture entitled “Dissecting The Social Epidemic: Rape Culture.”

About the Organizers

Students for Liberty is the largest pro-liberty movement of students in the world with a presence in more than 100 countries and every inhabited continent dedicated to the idea of spreading liberty.

About the Event

The ongoing rate of a heinous crime such as rape has become vicious for society; causes and consequences are beyond description. And this is why it is important to discuss how to end this delinquency from its root and bring peace to the society.

The conference will be two hour short session where different panelists from different regions of South Asia would be enlightening us with their works and knowledge about ongoing rape culture in this sub continent. The panelists will try to explore different aspects related to rape and how our governing system is trying to tackle it. Why are public officials inefficient when it comes to investigating rape cases? Is rape the result of overt gestures of the victim or covert intentions of the perpetrator?

Details of the Event

Date: 21st November, Saturday

Time: 2:15 PM onwards

Contact Information

Sumaya Maleque Nishat:

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