Libertatem Magazine

Conference on Globalization of Professional Legal Education: Constitutional Conspectus by School of Law, Bennett University: 3 April, 2021)

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About the School of Law, Bennett University

Bennett University has been established by the ‘Times Group’, India’s largest media conglomerate, and offers unique inter-disciplinary and contemporary courses through its Schools of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Management, Law and Media & Liberal Arts. In addition, the University has also established the Centres for Innovation & Entrepreneurship and External Relation & Executive Education. Bennett University established the School of Law with a vision to strive for excellence in teaching, research, and advocacy towards Justice for all by shaping thought leaders in public policy of National and International dimensions.

About the conference

India’s New Education Policy, 2020 is a radical step in changing the higher education in the country. It will have both positive and negative implications. The conference also aims to deliberate on the concern that being the being the world’s most diverse democracy, how would this policy ensure the protection and promotion of constitutional and cultural values in wake of privatization, globalisation and  commercialization of education with such high levels of government autonomy. Another aspect is the  extent to which the states will regulate these foreign universities, while respecting their autonomy. The redressal mechanisms within the Constitutional Scheme require an academic discourse. The advantages and disadvantages of a centralised unitary approach to education versus a federal structure as it exists today require discussion with all stakeholders. This calls for a stock taking of evolution of educational federalism in India and the learnings from the past. Further, what will happen to the democratic mechanisms set in place in the public institutions to ensure the education reaches all stakeholders in cohesive manner. The international nature of conference will allow the discussants and participants to learn from different stakeholders, their concerns, experiences and the best practises and models adopted in different countries. Therefore, the conference is timely in its attempt to delve and deliberate on the globalising the professional education from a constitutional conspectus.


Globalisation of Professional Legal Education: Constitutional Conspectus.

Sub Themes

  1. New Education Policy vis-s-vis Global Legal Education

  2. Globalisation of education: Private versus Public Universities in India

  3. Constitution and right to global legal education.

  4. Commercialisation of education and socio-economic implications

  5. Institutional framework and regulatory bodies

  6. Any other related theme.


Any interested researcher, academician or policymaker from Indian and foreign institutions can submit their abstract for consideration.

Mode of Conference

Considering the present COVID-19 pandemic and government advisory, the conference will be organized in the online/virtual mode. If there are any changes, participants would be advised accordingly.

Abstract submission guidelines

  1. Each applicant must submit a 500-word abstract providing an overview of the proposed paper by e-mail to no later than 24th February 2021.
  2. Maximum of 5 keywords are to be provided along with the abstract.
  3. Co-authorship is permissible up to two authors only.
  4. Acceptance of the abstracts shall be communicated via email by 28th February 2021.
  5. On selection of the abstract, the author(s) must pay the required fees no later than 10th   March 2021. The link for the payment portal shall be sent to the authors whose abstract would be selected along-with the acceptance mail.
  6. Abstract must contain details about the names of the author(s), contact details, institutional affiliation and designation.


Paper Submission Guidelines

  1. Last date for submission of the paper is 20th March 2021.
  2. All papers must be submitted to
  3. The full-length paper should not exceed 6000 words (exclusive of footnotes). It must have the abstract and details of the authors.
  4. In case of co-authorship at least one author must attend the seminar to present the paper.
  5. The main text should be in Times New Roman with font size 12 and spacing of 1.5.
  6.  The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, font size 10 with single spacing.
  7. Referencing style: 20th Blue Book edition.
  8. Plagiarism: All submissions must be the author’s original and unpublished work. Maximum of 15% plagiarism is permitted.
  9. The paper must be submitted in word document (.doc or .docx) format only.
  10. Papers selected for oral presentation will again be subjected to double blind peer review before it is published in the Book carrying ISBN.


Important Dates

  1. Abstract Submission deadline: 24th February 2021.
  2. Date of Communication of acceptance of abstract: 28th February 2021.
  3. Date of Payment of Registration Fee: On selection of the abstract, the author(s) must pay the required fees no later than 10th  March 2021. The link for the payment portal shall be sent only to the authors whose abstract would be selected along-with the acceptance mail. For registration, proof of payment indicating the transaction reference number along with full name, affiliation and email id must be sent by 10th March 2021 to the email
  4. Full Paper submission by 20th March 2021.


Registration Details

  1. Registration Fees for Paper presentation:
  2. Academicians/ Professionals: Single Author: Rs. 1500
  3. Students and PhD. Research Scholars: Rs. 750
  4. Registration Fees for participation without paper presentation: Rs. 200. [ with certificate]
  5. In-absentia presentations are not allowed.


Organising Team and Contact Details

About the Author