About :
We issue this Call for Submissions with the following assumptions – first, that the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed deep-seated biases in our democracy against vulnerable sections of our population; and second, that law remains one of the best tools to understand, respond and mitigate some of these biases. Any submission is, therefore, expected to either address or critique both assumptions. It can range from identification of the issue to forging a valid response to it.
Authors are expected to critically engage with the legal and policy responses by the jurisdiction of their choice. They can also:
Explore the impact of COVID-19 on civil rights and liberties. Assess the role and importance of Internationalism, International Law and International Organisations. Connect the jurisdictional response with the international legal setup.
This is however not a list of superimpositions of ideas. Authors are free to frame and/or identify additional perspectives without losing upon the undertone of justice in their arguments.
Theme :
COVID-19 and the ‘States’ of Inequalities
Eligibility :
Submissions are open to any presently enrolled graduate/post-graduate law student whose thoughts resonate with the Concept Note to this call. The institution where the participant author belongs, to must be recognised by the appropriate authority of the respective State.
Date :
The final date for submission is 30th September 2020.
Guidelines for Submission :
Authorship – Sole or Joint (limited to 02)
Registration Fee :
There is no registration fee for participating in the competition.
For further information :
Click here
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