Libertatem Magazine

Second Online Quiz Competition by All India Legal Forum

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All India Legal Forum is the brainchild of several legal luminaries and eminent personalities across the country and the globe. AILF is a dream online platform which aims at proliferating legal knowledge and providing ingenious understanding and cognizance of various fields of law to make sure that legal knowledge penetrates to every nook and corner of the ever-growing legal fraternity. Through ambitious and studious legal brains across the country, AILF aims at providing valuable contributions to contemporary legal issues and developments in the omnipresent field of law to the masses.

All India Legal Forum takes immense pleasure in inviting your student fraternity to our event Second National Online Quiz Competition, organized by AILF which will take place on 31 JULY 2020.


Memo Pundits, Indian Law Watch, C.L.A.W, Legge Rhythms, Katcheri, Lex Cognoscenti, Lawyer’s Gyan, Legal Thirst, Legal Utility, Cyberlly, Libertatem, Kanooniyat, Lawphoria.


Together We Can We will!!


Small Talk India


  • Contracts
  • Torts
  • Current Affairs


  • The quiz shall take place online in the format of google form.
  • The link of that form is attached below with this mail.
  • The form will start accepting responses at 4:55 p.m.
  • The form will stop accepting responses sharply at 5:30 p.m.
  • The duration of the quiz is 30 minutes.
  • The quiz shall have 50 questions.
  • The type of questions shall be multiple choice questions (MCQ).
  • Each question carries 1 mark.
  • There shall be no negative marking.
  • Only those participants will be given a certificate who appears and submit the response within the stipulated time.
  • No responses after 5:30 p.m. will be accepted and those participants shall not be given any certificate.
  • Results and certificates of all the participants will be uploaded on the official website of All India Legal Forum.Participants are responsible for downloading the same from the official website. No information regarding the same will be provided through email or Whatsapp.
  • The results declared would be final and the authority vests with All India Legal Forum.


  • Last date for registration-30.July.2020 (11.59 A.M., Noon)
  • Date of the quiz-31.July.2020
  • Date of result declaration-16.August.2020
  • The date for providing certificates-First week of September 2020


  • 1st prize- cash prize of Rs. 600+ certificate of excellence
  • 2nd prize- cash prize of Rs 500+ certificate of excellence
  • 3rd prize – cash prize of Rs 400+ certificate of excellence
  • E-certificate of participation shall be given to all the participants.


  • Internship opportunity under Lawyer’s Chamber (Through Legal Thirst)
  • Campus Ambassadorship at Memo Pundit
  • Free Publication at Legal Utility
  • Campus Ambassadorship Internship and 50% off while registering for their event
  • Internship Opportunity at Lawyers Gyan
  • Campus Ambassadorship at Kanooniyat
  • Discount on Publications in international Journals (Legge Rhythms)
  • Internship Opportunity at Indian Law Watch
  • Opportunity to intern as an Editor/Content writer at Lawphoria
  • Content Writer opportunity at Small Talk India

TOP 10

  • Certificate of Merit
  • 25% off in Journal and 10% off in Katog Courses
  • Internship opportunity at C.L.A.W Legal in the month of September
  • Free Publication in the website of Cyberlly
  • Internship would be offered in both Content Writing as well as non-Content team such as marketing etc. at Libertatem Magazine
  • Campus Ambassadorship at Together We can we will!!
  • Research Board Membership at All India Legal Forum


Nominal fees of Rs 35 for participation

Payment method- GPay at –7014286027

After payment the interested participant is supposed to WhatsApp the screenshot of payment at +91 70142 86027 and will also be required to upload the screenshot in the registration form, only after all the requirements will the participant be considered registered.

(Please do not call at +91 70142 86027 for any query, you can contact the contacts provided or WhatsApp for any query)

Registration form link


No institution/organization is said to be active without working in the field their audience wants them to, AILF, as of now has given successful accomplishment to many such events.

Insights of our streaming are warmly addressed herein.

  • Webinar on the topic ‘ADR as a career’ on 21st June 2020 having our learned speaker Justice JLN Murthy, presently Lawyer at Hyderabad, panel arbitrator, mediator, conciliator for SIAC, ICC, ICADR, NAC, WIPO, with specializations in International Law as well.
  • Webinar on the topic ‘NLU vs Non-NLU- How your college doesn’t become a hindrance to successful career’  streaming live on YouTube on 20th July 2020 by our learned speaker Jayant Bhatt who is an independent litigator in Delhi and also a senior Panel Counsel for UOI in Delhi High Court as well as Panel Counsel of UNGC.
  • Quiz competition on constitution law with over 2500+ registrations being the 1st Quiz Competition.
  • Blog Writing competition with large no. of content blogs received based on the theme ‘LGBTQ+’ aiming at the concept of gender and sexuality with laws and protection rights with the active participation of all disciplines making it another successful and knowledgeable event.


In case of query, contact

Contact no- 9899890610, 7277523668

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