Libertatem Magazine

Memo Pundits – Blog Writing Competition

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Memo Pundits is a unique platform which equips young law students with tools that come handy during mooting. With its unconventional teaching methodology, Memo Pundits’ courses stand out among other similarly placed online courses.

About the Competition:
Law schools are not limited to bulky books, lengthy case laws and never-ending project submissions. Numerous other aspects like internships, moot court competitions, research papers, etc also play a vital role in shaping your law school experience.

However, the lack of proper guidance on these fronts is very evident. Therefore, we are organizing this competition to bridge the learning gap and provide law students with quick guides to help them become all-rounders.


  • Theme for this Blog Writing Competition is “Law Student’s Toolkit”

The theme revolves around the necessary knowledge for any law student new to facets of law school.


  • Internships and Career
  • Co-curricular Activities

All law students, academicians and practicing lawyers are invited to participate.

Examples of Topics:
The following list of topics is only indicative in nature, and strict adherence is not mandatory. You are free to choose any topic within the theme.

  • Internships and Career
    • Career Exploration: How to decide what legal career path to choose
    • How to excel in internships
    • Preparing a professional CV and Cover Letter
    • Writing professional emails
  • Co-curricular Activities
    • How to choose a topic for writing a Research Paper
    • Which co-curricular activities are most important
    • Tackling the fear of public speaking
    • What is Plagiarism? How to take care of it?

Submission Guidelines:

  • Word limit: Minimum 800 words. Maximum 1200 words.
  • Apart from single Authorship, co-authorship is allowed for upto 2 Authors.
  • Topic of the blog should fall within the theme of this competition.
  • Plagiarism is prohibited. Authors should ensure that they are submitting their original work.
  • All submissions must be made in .doc or .docx format of MS Word.
  • Kindly email your blogs at The subject of the mail should be “Blog Competition: Submission by <Name(s)>” (eg. Blog Competition: Submission by Ram Tiwari).

Registration Fees:
Registration fee is INR 100 for single Author and INR 150 for Co-authors.

Registration Form:
Click Here to Apply

Important Dates:

Last date of registration for the Competition:23rd November, 2020
Last date for submission of the Blog:27th November, 2020
Declaration of Results:6th December, 2020

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