Libertatem Magazine

Legal Armor’s Call for Vlog Blogs Bills in Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha: Submit by October 10

Contents of this Page

About the Organization

Legal Armor is a Law Blog website. They tend to live by our name and provide a protective shield to the Legal Community by providing quality writing for both Students and Professionals.

About the Vlogs

Information is their key aspect, and they have various posts from a number of industry professionals, which revolve around the Legality of a case, the Current Legal Scenario, and Rights. The plan is to provide quality information for both Students and Professionals and be the link during the transition phase.


Analysis of current bills in the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha may choose from here.

Word Limit

Minimum length: 5 mins

Maximum length: 10 mins

How to Submit?

You may click here and fill the google form to submit the vlogs.


10th October 2020.

Submission Guidelines

  • All entries should be submitted in .mp4 format, in 16:9 (landscape ) orientation and in good quality.
  • There should be a summary made under 300 words to describe the vlog.
  • The post will be made on our Instagram page and our YouTube channel and same will be visible on our website.
  • The vlog should be accompanied with the Author’s Name, designation/institute, E-mail Id and LinkedIn ID (to be filled on the google form).
  • You should submit a google drive link with the vlog shared at and granted access to:
  • Copyright and media rights of all vlog posts shall remain with Legal Armor; however, the moral Rights shall vest with the Author.
  • The language has to be politically neutral and not conflicting with the general guidelines.
  • The language should be civil and neutral and should not defame another person.
  • The Final discretion will be of Legal Armor.
  • Note: Posting shall be made within 20 days of acceptance of the write-up. The review committee may take up to 48-56 hours to review the write-up.

Contact Information

For queries, you may click here. is now on Telegram. Follow us for regular legal updates and judgements from the court. Follow us on Google News, InstagramLinkedInFacebook & Twitter. You can also subscribe for our Weekly Email Updates. Libertatem Group does not take any responsibility for the accuracy of this Event Notification. The post has been shared as we received it from the event organizers/host.

About the Author