Libertatem Magazine

Journal and Seminar Committee, University of Calcutta’s Article Writing Competition: Register by Aug 2

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About the Institute

The University of Calcutta, informally known as Calcutta University, is a collegiate public state university located in Kolkata, West Bengal. It was established on 24 January 1857 and was one of the first institutions in Asia to be established as a multidisciplinary and Western-style university.

Established in 1909 under the guidance of Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee, the Department of Law of the University of Calcutta is one of the oldest legal institutions in the South Asian subcontinent.

About the Journal and Seminar Committee

The Journal and Seminar Committee (JSC) is a student-run academic committee of the Department of Law, University of Calcutta, committed to regulate, facilitate and promote the spirit of legal research, academic writing and substantive discourse within the realm of contemporaneous jurisprudence. Although established by name in 2017, the Committee adopted its Specific Rules on 19th June 2019.

About the Competition

With the commencement of the new JSC Academic Year 2020-21, the present Executive Board of the Committee has decided to conduct a National Article Writing Competition to provide an academic platform for the young and brilliant legal minds of the country to edge and showcase their research, analytical and writing skills.

The central motive of this competition is to give rise to a formal opportunity where constructive opinions on the contemporaneous jurisprudential issues of paramount importance and fundamental relevance can, under the guidance of our sub-themes, be fearlessly deliberated upon.


  • The competition is open for all the law students enrolled under any undergraduate, postgraduate, or doctoral course at any college or university recognised by Bar Council of India.
  • Co-authorship is allowed upto a maximum of 2 authors. (The co-authors can be from different institutions).


The participant(s) shall write and submit an Article under any one of the sub-themes listed below.

Public Law and Criminal Law

  • Upholding the Rule of Law in the Tussle of Rule by Judiciary vs. Rule by Government
  • Selective Nature of Judicial Activism of the Supreme Court of India
  • Health vs. Education: An Analysis on the Dilemma with the Decisions of UGC/MHA
  • The Interplay between Cyber Security, Digital Privacy and Digital Surveillance
  • Transparency in Electoral Financing and Electoral Bonds
  • Analyse the Inception and Working of the ‘Rarest of the Rare doctrine’ in Awarding Death Penalty
  • Constitutional Validity of Article 73 of the Indian Constitution
  • Contemptuous Liabilities in Criticism of Judicial Decisions
  • Police Brutality: Custodial Violence and/or Encounters
  • Feminism and Indian Criminal Laws
  • Ignorance of Government in Implementation of Environmental Laws
  • Animal Rights Violation / Implementation of Regulations of Maritime Wildlife Management.
  • Legal Validity and/or Implications of Banning Apps in India
  • The Role of Welfare State: Protection of Business vs. Suspension of Labour Laws
  • Access to Internet and Digital Conversion of Court Proceedings
  • Cryptocurrency Regulations in India in Times of COVID-19: A Boon or Bane?

International Law and Commercial Law

  • Upholding the UN Charter: Neutrality of UN Organizations
  • Human Rights Obligations of Private Corporations Under International law
  • A Comparison of Regulations of Horizontal Agreements in the EU, Japan and China.
  • Aircraft Acquisition Contracts and Force Majeure: A Way Out For Airlines?

Submission Specifications

  • The length of the Article should be between 1,500 and 2,000 words (exclusive of citations).
  • The Article shall be submitted ONLY in MS Word (.doc/.docx) format.
  • The Article shall be in a single-column layout with margins justified on both sides.
  • Font: Times New Roman; Language of the Article shall be English only.
  • Title Font Size: 14; Body Font Size: 12; Citation Font Size: 10
  • Body Line Spacing: 1.5; Citation Line Spacing: 1.0
  • Page Margin Spacing: 1″ (Top, Bottom, Left & Right).
  • Citation Format: 20th Edition Harvard Bluebook.
  • All references must be in the form of footnotes only.

Submission Guidelines

  • Participants are supposed to express their thoughts on specified sub-themes only.
  • A participant is allowed to submit a single article only.
  • More than one submission from the same participant (or his co-author) shall not be registered.
  • Usage of unparliamentary words/remarks are highly discouraged.
  • The submission shall not unreasonably showcase any defamatory thoughts towards any gender, community, caste, creed, or religion whatsoever.
  • All Article submissions shall be made to and subject of the mail shall be “JSC National Article Writing Competition 2020”.
  • The body of the mail shall essentially comprise of the following details of author and co-author: Name, Name of College/Institution, Name of University, Year of study, Sub-theme under which the submission has been made.
  • The Articles are strictly meant to be an original work of the authors.

Registration Fees

  • The participant(s) has to pay a minimal registration fee of Rs 50 (for single-authored submission) / Rs 80 (for co-authored submission).

Bank Details

  • Name: Anogh Chakraborty, State Bank of India
  • Account Number: 37811244783
  • IFSC Code: SBIN0001888

Make a payment on Google Pay at 8910738288 (Anogh Chakraborty)

Registration Details

Interested candidates can participate through this page.

The screenshot of the payment receipt with all relevant details should be attached to the registration form.


  • 1st prize: Rs 500 + Certificate of Merit + Publication in the Departmental Blog of Journal and Seminar Committee – ‘Legis Sententia’.
  • 2nd prize: Rs 300 + Certificate of Merit + Publication in the Departmental Blog of Journal and Seminar Committee – ‘Legis Sententia.’
  • 3rd prize: Rs 200 + Certificate of Merit + Publication in the Departmental Blog of Journal and Seminar Committee – ‘Legis Sententia’.
  • All participants shall get a Certificate of Participation.

Important Dates

  • Last Date of Registration: 2nd August 2020 (Sunday) (by 11:59 p.m.)
  • Last Date of Submission: 31st August 2020 (Monday) (by 11:59 p.m.)
  • Date of Publication of Results: 20th September 2020 (Sunday)

Contact Information

Email Id:  bearing the title: “Query Re:/Regarding JSC National Article Writing Competition 2020”

The website link to the Journal is given below:

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