Libertatem Magazine

First Essay Writing Competition by GNLU: Submit Before 20 August

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About The Institution

Gujarat National Law University (GNLU), Gandhinagar, India is a University established by the Government of the State of Gujarat under the Gujarat National Law University Act, 2003. This University is based in the capital city of Gujarat i.e. Gandhinagar, about 10 kilometres north to the Ahmedabad metropolis. The GNLU Act 2003 proclaims that GNLU, “shall be to advance and disseminate learning and knowledge of the law and legal processes and their role in national development: to develop in the students and the research scholars sense of responsibility to serve the society in the field of law by developing skills in regard to advocacy, legal services, legislation, parliamentary practice, law reforms and such other matters; to make law and legal processes efficient instruments of social development; and to promote the interdisciplinary study of law in relation to management, technology, international cooperation and development.” GNLU also offers LL.M, PhD, and part-time and distance Certificate and PG Diploma courses in law and related fields.

About The MUN Society

The GNLU Model United Nations Society was founded in March 2015 with an aim to promote and foster a MUN culture, which would facilitate debate and deliberation over key international law and political issues. This is facilitated through Intra MUNs held every semester, and to further this aim, the society is working to host a national level inter-college and school level MUN which would draw experienced delegates and MUN enthusiasts from across the country to actively debate on pertinent issues, learn the nuances of diplomacy and establish MUNs as an important tool for awareness and conflict resolution. Though in a small way, we aim to fulfil the goals set out by the founders of the United Nations in the Preamble of the Charter: “to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours,” and to further this aim, the Society has hosted two editions of a national-level MUN, GNLUMUN, in 2016 and 2017,19.

About The Competition

The Essay Writing Competition, 2020 seeks to address the issues that have been brought forth by the coronavirus. We hope to answer the questions of compatibility and conflict between in present and times to come. The main objective of the Competition is to initiate an intellectual churning process for realizing the nexus between law and diplomacy. It endeavours to encourage and promote creative, logical thinking and knowledge of understanding and research amongst students. The criteria for the award shall be lucidity, understanding, novelty, and coherence of thought process.


  1. COVID 19 and the it’s effect on Global Geopolitics
  2. Access to Online Education: Countering Challenges Across the Globe
  3. WHO and COVID 19 Response: Efficient or Elusive

Steps For The Registration


Step 1: Pay the Registration Fees at

Step 2: Fill up the expression of Intrest at before 20th August:

Step 3:  Send in your essay before 27th September

Submission Guidelines

1. Essays must not be longer than 3,000 words. It must be acompanied by an abstract of not more than 300 words. The abstract will be used by the jury to make a pre-selection.

2. All submissions must be in Times New Roman, 12 Font Size, 1.5 Line Spacing and Headings/Titles must be in Capital.

3. Quotes and references must be clearly marked throughout the essay (preferably in italics) and properly hyperlinked.

4. Submissions can only be made online, in English. All submissions are to be electronically mailed ONLY at with the subject  ‘ESSAY WRITING COMPETITION‘.

5. Entries will be accepted only in MS WORD format.

6. The identity of the author is not allowed to be indicated anywhere in the text. References to specific individuals, firms, or schools, which might reveal the author’s identity are strongly discouraged and shall be liable to be disqualified without any refund of the registration fees.

7. Entries should be accompanied by a cover page with the author/s name, mailing address, telephone, fax numbers, and e-mail address; name, address of the institution where the student is enrolled, year of study.

8. Send the payment receipt along with your essay.

Terms and conditions

1. GNLU MUN Society reserves the right to modify the format and content of the submissions for publication purposes.

2. The decision of the Jury shall be final and will not be subject to an appeal.

3. GNLU MUN Society shall take no responsibility in any matter arising out of any dispute as regards the authenticity of the submitted work.

For further information, please contact: Email:

Competition Registration Fee: 100 INR

Prize Money

First Prize: INR 5,000/-

Second Prize: INR 3,000/-

Third Prize: INR 2,000/- is now on Telegram. Follow us for regular legal updates and judgements from the court. Follow us on Google News, InstagramLinkedInFacebook & Twitter. You can also subscribe for our Weekly Email Updates. Libertatem Group does not take any responsibility for the accuracy of this Event Notification. The post has been shared as we received it from the event organizers/host.

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