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Kathmandu School of Law invites Abstracts for BLACC International Yearbook on Business Law and Dispute Resolution: Submit by July 20

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Centre for Business Law Academics Counsel and Chambers (BLACC) along with Business Law and Arbitration Research Centre (BLARC) of Kathmandu School of Law, Nepal is publishing its first volume of BLACC International Yearbook on Business Law and Dispute Resolution“.

The Yearbook aims to address contemporary issues of business law and dispute resolution that are of interest to the national and international community. It takes a unique approach where contributions from scholars/academics, practitioners and law firms are compiled into a single publication.

The yearbook features 4 different sections consisting of:

  • General articles
  • Year review
  • Judicial decisions and arbitral awards commentary
  • Contribution from law firms

The Advisory Board of the Yearbook is composed of esteemed groups of experts in various fields of business law including world’s preeminent authority on international commercial arbitration and international litigation- Professor Gary Born, the Chair of International and Business Law at University of Portsmouth, UK- Professor Munir Maniruzzaman, Supreme Court Justice of Nepal Mr. Anil Kumar Sinha and other international professionals.


We invite all interested individuals including students, law practitioners and scholars to make their contributions to the first issue of BLACC Yearbook.

You can submit your abstracts for any of the three sections of the Yearbook: year review, general articles and judicial decisions/arbitral awards commentary.

Areas that you can choose for the Year Review

For the section on year review, you can provide articles that are based on the review of major events relating to business law that occurred in a particular jurisdiction. (Jurisdictions in focus for this year: Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Australia, Singapore, China, Germany, South Africa, Brazil, USA and UK).

Commercial and Corporate Law/Contract Law/Financial and taxation Laws/Intellectual Property Laws/Labor Law/Trade and Maritime Law/Industrial law/Procurement and Construction law/ Laws associated with Capital Market/Antitrust Laws/Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Law/Capital Markets Law and M&A’s.

Issues that you can choose for the Year Review

  • COVID-19 and Contractual Claims in 2021
  • Legal aspects of Capital Market/cryptocurrencies in the given year
  • Commentary on new legislations and policies introduced in the year
  • Major legal developments of that year.
  • Other relevant areas depending upon your creativity

General Articles

For the section on general articles, you can provide articles that are based on the explanation and analysis of conceptual issues relating to any of the following areas:

Commercial and Corporate Law/Contract Law/Financial and taxation Laws/Intellectual Property Laws/Labor Law/Trade and Maritime Law/Industrial law/Procurement and Construction law/ Laws associated with Capital Market/Antitrust Laws/Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Law/Capital Markets Law and M&A’s.

Judicial Decision/ Arbitral Award Commentary

For the section on judicial decision/ arbitral award commentaries, you can provide writings that contain your analysis/commentary of judicial decisions as well as arbitral awards of any jurisdiction.

The body of the commentary should include the following topics at minimum:

  • Title of the Commentary
  • Abstract
  • Background of the case (if any)
  • The Parties
  • Issue of the case
  • The Facts
  • The Arguments (both sides)
  • The Law
  • Decision
  • Commentary/Analysis
  • Conclusion/Recommendation
  • References

Abstract Submission Method

If you want to contribute your writings to the Yearbook, here is what you need to do:

  • Write a short abstract of 250 words for any one of the above (year review/general article/commentary).
  • Upload the abstract and your CV via this Google Forms link

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 20th July 2021.

Authors whose abstracts are selected will be expected to submit their manuscripts by October 2021.

General Rules for Manuscript

  • Co-authored submissions are permissible up to 3 authors.
  • Submissions must be in English.
  • All submissions must be unpublished and original material.
  • Submissions must be made in the MS Word (.doc/.docx) format.
  • ·Submissions must conform with the KSL Comprehensive Style to Legal Citation, (similar to OSCOLA). The Citation Style is available at this link.
  • All submissions will be peer-reviewed. The Editorial Board reserves the right to accept/ reject a submission or make publication conditional upon modifications that have been suggested to the author.
  • Any kind of plagiarism would result in outright rejection of the submission.
  • Word Limit (excluding abstract and footnotes):
    • For year review: 3000-4000 words
    • For general article: 5000-6000 words
    • For case law/arbitral award commentary: 2500-3000 words

Contact Details

For any further queries about the call for abstracts, please feel free to write at

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