Libertatem Magazine

International Journal of Legal & Social Studies (IJLSS): Call for Papers

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The International Journal of Legal & Social Studies (IJLSS) is an open-access journal which follows double peer blind review process and is currently accepting submissions for its upcoming issue – Volume IV, Issue II. An original piece with outstanding analysis of the problem with its origin, and legal jurisprudence with the possibility of an intersectionality with social studies. The article piece should not be submitted or considered by any other publishing forum.

Each paper must be accompanied with an abstract of 200-250 words encapsulating the segments covered in the submission.

  • Long Articles: Between 5000 and 8000 words, inclusive of footnotes. Papers in this category are expected to engage with the theme comprehensively, examine literature comprehensively, and offer an innovative reassessment of the current understanding of that theme. It is advisable, though not necessary, to choose a theme that is of contemporary importance. Pure theoretical pieces which can substantially theorize concepts are highly appreciated.
  • Essays: Between 3000 and 5000 words, inclusive of footnotes. Essays are far more concise in scope. These papers typically deal with a specific issue and arguments are so advanced in pursuance of providing limpid reasoning and at the same time is conceptualized differently. These articles usually tend to be more engaging, and make a more easily identifiable, with concrete argumentative narrative throughout the essay.
  • Case Notes: Around 1500 and 2500 words, inclusive of footnotes. This segment undertakes an analysis of contemporary judicial pronouncement andsuch an analysis is geographically not limited to India subcontinent but any other jurisdiction in the world which juxtaposes and analyzes the intersectionality of Law and Social Sciences are considered. The paper must identify and examine the line of cases in which the decision in question came about, comment, and analyze the implications ofsuch legal developments.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Submissions are preferred in the font style ‘Garamond’, font size 12, spacing of 1.5 unit.
  • The title of the paper should be in font size 16 and bold.
  • The name of name of the author(s) should be in font size 14 and italic.
  • All the footnotes should be in the font style ‘Garamond’ and font size 10 along with black as the uniform colour unless there is usage of any charts and tables which needs to be emphasized through a different colour.
  • All submissions must be word processed, and compatible with Microsoft Word 2007.
  • Submissions must strictly conform to the Bluebook20thedition system of citation.
  • Please use United States-English for the purpose of your writing.
  • A person can only make a single submission; however, one submission can be co-authored by two.

How to Submit?
All submissions should be directed and addressed to the email address alone and no other medium of submission can be adopted by the contributors. Please submit the papers to indicating which category your paper is intended for. All submissions should contain the name of the author, professional information, the title of the manuscript, and contact information. Submissions may be emailed with the subject heading ‘IJLSS – Submissions’. The submission should also entail a covering letter with the personal information of the authors; and such information shall be provided in the first page of the submitted article.

The last date for submission of manuscripts is 7th November, 2020.


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