Libertatem Magazine

Call for Submissions: Ex Curia International: Submission on a Rolling Basis

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About Ex Curia International

Ex Curia International is a community of international students and professionals, working together towards the fulfilment of a single goal of promoting and exploring ADR practices from across the world. ECI began as an idea where a few law students came together to learn and exchange ideas on dispute resolution. Today, it has become an international organisation with eminent personalities in the field, like Mr. Abhinav Bhushan, Ms. Meriam Al-Razid, Mr.

Mathew Rushton, Ms. Ana Sambold, Mr. Nicholas Peacock, among others, on its Board of Advisors. The ECI team itself is a diverse set of individuals belonging to India, Greece, Indonesia, England, Africa, and more.

ECI intends to aid the process of picking up best practices in international dispute resolution and to apply these in one’s own jurisdiction. To further dialogue and discussion, ECI uses a blog, a podcast, and a virtual café to ignite the exchange of ideas and practices in International Dispute Resolution, worldwide!

ECI was founded by Ananya Agrawal, a third-year law student at the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, India. Having participated in a number of prestigious international competitions, and experienced a number of diverse cultures from a very young age, Ananya founded ECI with the objective of combining a passion for international dispute resolution and with an exposure to a diverse forum of opinions.

About the Blog

The ECI Blog aims at facilitating the readers with quick and interesting updates on the contemporary issues in international dispute resolution. In a short span of three months, the blog has featured articles by students, ADR experts from across the world and a former member of the Indian judiciary.

Why write for the blog?

Publishing with ECI allows academicians and students to associate themselves with the global network of students and the exemplary board of advisors with a presence in 40+ countries and numerous ADR communities. It will give them an opportunity not only to test their writing skills, but also to sharpen them through insightful reviews provided by the team.

What to Submit?

They accept articles, book reviews, comments and responses to other works. The works may be on any of the various aspects of international dispute resolution, and contemporary analyses will be appreciated. The ideal length is about 750-1500 words.

Who can Contribute?

Anyone who would like to share their new perspectives on international dispute resolution. They accept submissions for the blog from students, lawyers, academicians, non-law ADR enthusiasts alike!

Submission Deadline and Procedure

They accept articles on a rolling basis throughout the year. Submissions can be sent to in an MS Word doc/docx format, with the title as ‘Submission for ECI Blog – title of the piece’.

Candid Café

The unprecedented pandemic has created chaos and uncertainty amongst students and young professionals. With the worldwide ban on transport and social distancing guidelines, multiple conferences and competitions are being cancelled, ultimately depriving many of networking opportunities.

The current period has demonstrated how difficult it could be difficult to adapt without a professional network. However, it has also proven that social networks and virtual initiatives are sources of opportunities. Ex Curia International, in collaboration with the Association of International Dispute Resolution (AIDR), presents to you ‘Candid Café.’

Candid Café aims to facilitate candid conversations between the biggest dispute resolution professionals and young legal minds throughout the world. They believe that the target audience can immensely benefit from the advice and practical experience of these professionals who are some of the biggest names in dispute resolution today. It also provides an excellent opportunity to network with young legal minds across the world.


The podcast is called ‘Discourse N Disclosure’ (DND). The idea is to pick a theme and invite an expert to delve into an engaging conversation that can clarify all things related to that theme in the field of dispute resolution. They aim to make our podcasts accessible and easy to follow so that individuals can learn from it even if they do not hail from a legal background.

Diversity being our greatest virtue, they encourage anyone and everyone who is interested in learning about dispute resolution to tune into our podcasts for a great learning experience.

Contact Information

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The website link of Ex Curia International is here. is now on Telegram. Follow us for regular legal updates and judgements from the court. Follow us on Google News, InstagramLinkedInFacebook & Twitter. You can also subscribe for our Weekly Email Updates. Libertatem Group does not take any responsibility for the accuracy of this Event Notification. The post has been shared as we received it from the event organizers/host.

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