Libertatem Magazine

Call for Papers: The Legal Insider Vol 1, Issue 1 + Research Paper Competition: Submit by July 12

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About the Journal

The Legal Insider is an online peer journal of the law. This journal seeks to provide comprehensive information on different aspects of the legal and scientific field. It focuses on various issues of Cyber Laws and IPR with technology advancing hand
in hand.

They are opening submissions for Volume 1, Issue 1 of the Journal.


Cyber Laws

Indicative topics:

  • Cyber security and laws of India and other countries, various data protection laws.
  • Privacy concerns on cyberspace or social media.
  • Investigation of cybercrimes, cyber forensics, and evidentiary issues.
  • Specific forms of cyber-crimes (such as hacking, cyber pornography, identity theft, spoofing, cyberstalking, software piracy, etc.) Any form of cyber-crime can be selected as the focal theme of the paper.
  • E-security in the banking system, e-commerce, corporate security and managing systems.
  • E-Governance and cybersecurity concerns.
  • Providing/developing an alternative law/policy framework to secure cyberspace etc.
  • Laws and concerns in relation to any cyber law.


Indicative topics:

Pillars of IPR:

  • Copyrights
  • Trademarks
  • Patents (processes and products)
  • Business and Institutional Trademarks
  • Geographical indications (location-specific community-based innovations products)
  • Designs and their registration
  • Undisclosed Information
  • Provisions & resolving ambiguities between registration of Designs and Trademarks.

Infringements of IPR: Legal Provisions.

Different systems of IPR are prevalent globally.

Cyber Laws & IPR: This journal welcomes quality research on any theme based on contemporary issues on Cyber Laws or IPR, including law and aesthetics, law and technology, law and psychoanalysis, critical techno-legal theory, legal history, and law, or any related theme as the list is not exhaustive.

Process of Selection

  • Participants will submit an abstract, not exceeding 500 words.
  • Selection of abstract will be notified.
  • Selected Participants will submit the full paper by the due date.

Acceptance of abstract does not necessarily mean publication of the paper. Only quality-based selected papers will be published in the Journal. Editors may request the participants to revise certain parts of the submitted papers if deemed

Due Dates

  • Submission of abstract: July 12th, 2020
  • Submission of full paper August 15th, 2020

Guidelines Submissions

Only full papers submitted on or before the deadline shall be considered for publication.

Accepting the below, authors are requested to adhere to the word limit:

  • Long Articles: 3000-6000 words (excluding references).
  • Short Articles: 2000-3000 words (excluding references).

Format: Times New Roman, Font Size 14 for heading, Font Size 12 for sub-heading and Font Size 12 for body, 1.5 line spacing, on an A4 sheet with 1” margin on all sides, to be sent in .doc/.docx format, with keywords.

A uniform style of the citation must be strictly adhered to while submitting the paper. The content of the articles should be original and no plagiarized material should be sent for publication.

Plagiarized content will be not considered. (Max 15%).

How to Submit?

All submissions must be sent via email and must be attached with the Name(s) of the Author(s), Institution/Affiliation, the Title of the Manuscript and Contact Information including an Email Address and Mobile Number Subject of email: Abstract Submission for Vol 1 Issue 1.

Send to Email address:


  • First Prize (Best Research Paper): Rs. 4000 Cash + Certificate Of Merit + Certificate of Publication + Interview Opportunity for Member of Editorial Team + Internship Opportunity with our team.
  • Second Prize: Rs 2000 cash + Certificate Of Merit + Certificate of Publication + Internship Opportunity with our team.
  • Third Prize:  Rs 1100 Cash + Certificate of Merit + Certificate of Publication + Internship Opportunity with our team.
  • Top 10 entries will receive the consolation Prize (Certificate of Merit + Certificate of Publication) and an opportunity to do an online internship with our team.
  • Certificate of Publication to all Published Papers (Softcopy).
  • Failure to pay registration after selection leads to disqualification/removal of paper from both publication and research paper writing competition.

Processing and Registration Fee

No registration or payment needs to be made prior to selection of Abstract.

Indian Delegates

  • Single authored paper: Rs. 500/-
  • Co-authored upto two: Rs. 900/-
  • Co-author upto three: Rs. 1300/-

Research Scholars and Faculty Members

  • Single authored paper: Rs. 1,000/-
  • Co-authored upto two: Rs. 1,500/-

Foreign Delegates

  • Single authored paper: $ 40
  • Co-authored paper: $ 55

Confirmation of abstract selection will be sent by email. The publication will be available on the official website.

Contact Information

Mobile/WhatsApp: +91 9720281573


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