Libertatem Magazine

Call For Papers – Special Issue On Family Law Disruption And Response During The COVID-19 Pandemic: Viral Lessons For Research, Policy, And Practice

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About the Issue:

Family law systems were already overwhelmed when the Covid-19 pandemic erupted. Through varied policy and public health responses, the family law system, alongside families served, have had to adjust to emergency orders not only in response to health but also economic disruption.
This has brought risk and opportunity as professionals adjust services, address new sources of parental conflict over interplays of work, children, and quarantine, and are forced to experiment in real time without past precedent as a guide.
In this issue, we take stock of lessons learned in what can be done in a crisis, how to best help “pivot” when traditional, “analog” service delivery is interrupted, what necessary innovations might come new best practices, and what experiments failed. We also want to better understand the needs and perspectives of parents as they variably accessed (and demanded) family court and other services.

Theme and Sub-themes:

The following topics are suggestions for submission:
• How family courts and/or professionals have “pivoted” in their work. For example, what
has been the impact of virtual court investigations and hearings on gathering evidence,
ensuring procedural justice and/or ensuring trust in the legal system?
• What new challenges have arisen in family law cases filed due to Covid-19? For
example, what health risks have been raised in the course of co-parenting, and what
standards have been used to evaluate child abuse and neglect? How is family
reunification impacted through social distancing policies?
• How have families adjusted (well and not so well in effect), and created their “new
normal” in balancing work, family, and schooling. For example, what has been the
impact of virtual visits on parent-child relationships?
• How has child support been impacted by economic recession and widespread layoffs?

To submit a paper proposal, please email a 250-500-word abstract with the subject heading
FCR Special Covid-19 Issue. Submit your abstract by email to Associate Professor,
Alexandra Crampton; by September 28th 2020.

We will notify presenters about selected papers by late October. Working drafts of papers
will be due no later than April, 2021, and final papers will be due by October 2021.
We look forward to your submissions. If you have further questions, please contact the guest
Alexandra Crampton:
Amy G. Applegate:
Barbara Glesner Fines: is now on Telegram. Follow us for regular legal updates and judgements from the court. Follow us on Google News, InstagramLinkedInFacebook & Twitter. You can also subscribe for our Weekly Email Updates. Libertatem Group does not take any responsibility for the accuracy of this Event Notification. The post has been shared as we received it from the event organizers/host.

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