Libertatem Magazine

Call for Papers: NLIU’s Indian Arbitration Law Review Journal [Volume 3]: Submit by Sep 30

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About the Journal

The Indian Arbitration Law Review (“Journal”) is an annual double-blind peer-reviewed journal of the National Law Institute University, Bhopal (NLIU).

It is a specialized periodical devoted exclusively to arbitration law, which offers legal professionals, academicians and students an up-to-date review of the field. The Journal includes long articles, short articles, case comments, and book reviews on the law and practice relating to arbitration.


The theme of the journal includes but is not limited to:

  • COVID-19 & Arbitration
  • The Arbitration & Conciliation Act: Looking Forward
  • Independence & Impartiality of Arbitrators
  • Business & Human Rights Arbitration: The Way Forward
  • New Dimensions in Investment Arbitration
  • Guerrilla Tactics in Arbitration

Submission Guidelines

  • Submissions are accepted only in the English language.
  • All articles must be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 300 words. Case Comments and Book Reviews do not need abstracts.
  • The abstract must expressly include the novelty and usefulness of the idea that the author wishes to put forth and must categorically mention the specific contribution of the article beyond the existing available literature.
  • Co-authorship (with no cap on authors) is permitted for all articles.
  • The manuscript should not contain any references to the identity of the authors. However, authors are allowed to cite their previous published work.
  • The body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 12 and 1.5-line spacing.
  • The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10 and single line spacing.
  • The citations must conform to the style of OSCOLA (4th Edition).
  • Manuscripts should only use footnotes as a means of citation. No other method shall be permitted.
  • Substantive footnotes are permissible.

for detailed submission guidelines and editorial policy, Click here.

Word Limit

  • Long Articles:4000-8000 words
  • Short Articles:2000-4000 words
  • Case Comments: 1500-4000 words
  • Book Reviews:1000-3000 words

Submission Deadline

The deadline for submissions for Volume 3 is September 31, 2020, by 11:59 pm.

While submissions shall be accepted across the year, those made after September 31, 2020, will be considered for the forthcoming issues.

Submission Procedure

The manuscript is to be sent in MS Word (.docx) format to The subject of the email should be “Submission for Volume 3 -<Title of the manuscript>”.

Contact Info

E-mail ID: or contact

Pranjal Agarwal, Editor-in-Chief: +91 99206 27181

Arpita Pande, Managing Editor: +91 91658 42188

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