Libertatem Magazine

Call for Papers: LICAMR’s International Review of Dispute Resolution: No Fee, Submit by Sep 10

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Legislations International Centre for Arbitration, Mediation and Research [LICAMR] seeks to serve as a think-tank to generate awareness about arbitration law in theory and in practice and also carry out high-quality research in the field to assist policy-formulation by the Government.

The Centre also intends to serve as a platform for imparting professional training to the stakeholders in the field of arbitration and cater to all areas of Arbitration, Mediation, and Conciliation especially the niche areas.

About the Journal

International Review of Dispute Resolution is a bi-monthly, double-blind legal journal based at Legisnations emanating and embracing legal scholarship. The International review aims to publish comprehensive treatments of subjects (“articles”), written by law students, professors and scholars as well as shorter pieces, commonly called “notes” and “comments”.

The journal provides a vehicle for the development of high-quality legal knowledge in the context of public policy, constitution, technology and is subject to special issues. It publishes up-to-date and original legal research contributions for the benefit of scholars, academicians and policymakers.

It welcomes scholarly legal articles dealing with the application of law in varied areas, or with the related professional and policy aspects. Articles may address legal educational issues, doctrinal, theoretical or other forms of legal scholarship, or deal with empirical and socio-legal investigations within a built environment context.

The review will maintain its high standards for publications and also practices the highest level of integrity, transparency and consistency towards creating a landscape to promote qualitative and scholarly research.


The submission should deal with a relevant or topical issue concerning any contemporary legal developments in ADR, including recent judgments and legislative changes, at both national as well as international level and must provide the author’s take on the issue, explaining the legal background succinctly and clearly.


  1. International Commercial Arbitration
  2. Institutional Arbitration
  3. Multilateral Arbitration Conventions
  4. Inter-State Disputes subject to Arbitration
  5. Investor-State Dispute Settlement Mechanism
  6. Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms
  7. Jurisdiction-specific issues in Arbitration
  8. New Dimensions in Investment Arbitration
  9. The Arbitration & Conciliation Act: Looking Forward
  10. Independence & Impartiality of Arbitrators

Note: The above sub-themes are illustrative rather than exhaustive, so the author can choose any sub-theme not mentioned in the above list.

Submissions Guidelines

The International Review of dispute resolution requests the contributors for compliance to the following guidelines:

General Guidelines

All manuscripts must be submitted in English. Authors must ensure that all submissions are exclusive to the International review of dispute resolution. All submitted articles are subject to review. All the authors are expected to maintain high standards with respect to publication ethics.

Submissions Heads and Word Limits (Including Footnotes)

All submissions must contain an abstract of not more than 300 words, inclusive of 5 keywords.

  • Long Articles: 7000 to 10,000 words (inclusive of footnotes)
  • Short Articles: 4000 to 6000 words (inclusive of footnotes)
  • Case Comment/Legislative Critique & Notes: 3000 words (inclusive of footnotes)
  • Book Review: 2000 words (inclusive of footnotes)

Note: For book reviews, only unsolicited entries are encouraged. It is also required that the book must have been published/reprinted in the last three year from the date of submission.

Cover Letter: A cover letter with the name of the author and address, designation, institution/affiliation, the title of the manuscript and contact information (email, phone etc.).

Style and Formatting

  •  Articles must be in a Microsoft Word-compatible format (.doc or .docx preferred).
  • Articles should be in Times New Roman font size 12 and double-spaced.
  • Main Title should be in full capitals, bold and centered font size 16. Sub-titles should be in sentence case, bold and font size 12.
  • Every submission except book reviews are expected to have an abstract of the paper not exceeding 300 words, exactly above the main text and below the main title.
  • Footnotes should be in Times New Roman font size 10 with single spacing.

Citation Format: Authors are requested to use footnotes instead of endnotes. Footnotes should conform to the Bluebook Uniform Style of Citation (20th edition).

Copyright Agreement Form: The contributions accepted for publication shall be the intellectual property of the review.
The Law Review will send the Copyright agreement to the authors of the accepted papers.

Duly filled/scanned Copyright Agreement Form should be submitted by authors within 30 days of receipt of the agreement. Publication process will not be initiated in the absence of the accepted copy of the agreement.

Article Withdrawal/Retraction: If an author wishes to retract or withdraw his submission, the same shall be immediately
informed to the Editorial Board via email, within two days from the date he receives the notification of acceptance or selection of his paper. The said submission shall be henceforth removed from the electronic repository of the journal.

Submission Deadline

The deadline for submission for the inaugural issue is 10th September 2020, by 11:59 PM. While submissions shall be accepted across the year, those made after September 10th, 2020, will be considered for the forthcoming issues.

Submission Procedure

The manuscript is to be sent is MS Word (.docx) format to The Subject of the email should be “Submission for Inaugural Issue – <Title of the Manuscript>”.

Note: There is no fee charged at any stage of publication.

Contact Information

  • E-Mail ID: or or
  • Mr. Kumar Rishabh Parth, Managing Editor: +91 9990718785
  • Mr. Arush Agarwal, Managing Editor: +91 7465939386
  • Mr. Bhavya Gupta: +91 8755795271


The website link of LICAMR’s International Review of Dispute Resolution is here. is now on Telegram. Follow us for regular legal updates and judgements from the court. Follow us on Google News, InstagramLinkedInFacebook & Twitter. You can also subscribe for our Weekly Email Updates. Libertatem Group does not take any responsibility for the accuracy of this Event Notification. The post has been shared as we received it from the event organizers/host.

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