Libertatem Magazine

Call for Papers: Lex Jura Law Journal [ISSN: 2582-3949, Vol 2, Issue 1], Submit by July 31

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Lex Jura Law Journal (ISSN: 2582-3949) is an endeavor of Vidhivyedetta, a firm which is determined to bring out diverse legal ideas and opinions.

An inter-disciplinary journal, the founders and editors of this journal advocate the importance of freedom of speech and expression and understand the need for transmission of ideas across platforms and disciplines.

Call for Papers

The Journal invites entries in the following categories:

  • Articles– (4000-8000 words, exclusive of footnotes & abstract) The article should be a comprehensive review of contemporary relevant legal issue(s)/question(s) that needs to be analyzed and presented. The article must be clear on the topic that is dealt upon and lucidly presented without any ambiguity. The authors’ stand on the issue(s) should be expressed with clarity.
  • Notes and Comments– (2000-3000 words, exclusive of footnotes & abstract) Notes and Comments may include a brief analysis of a recent judicial pronouncement, legislation, book or any legal issue of relevance.
  • Book Reviews– (2000 to 4000 words, exclusive of footnotes & abstract) Book Reviews should include brief but deep analysis of the topic of the book, the details mentioned in the book on the concerned topic and also about the author’s stance and analysis of the topic discussed in the book and of the book itself.

Entries must be accompanied with an abstract of 250- 300 words.

Important Guidelines

  • Inclusions: The paper should compulsorily include (1) Abstract (2) Keywords (3) Hypothesis.
  • Co-authorship: Both single and co-authored (a maximum of two authors) entries shall be accepted. Only one submission per author is allowed. In case of multiple submissions by an author, all the manuscripts submitted by the author shall be rejected at the outset.
  • Undertaking: The author(s) are required to submit an undertaking in a separate document mentioning their name, age, institution, year and field of study. The undertaking must include a declaration that none of the part of submitted article has been reproduced from any published material and the submission has been nowhere published beforehand and the same is not under consideration anywhere for publication and the author(s) shall be solely responsible for any copyright violation and consequences ensuing.

How to Submit?

  • To be mailed to
  • Submissions must be in MS Word (.doc or docx.) format only.
  • The abstract has to be provided in a separate file.
  • The subject of email should be ‘Volume 2.1, Lex Jura Law Journal’
  • Check other submission guidelines and publication policy on the website, here.

Fee Details

The publication is free of cost.

Important Timelines

  • The last date of submission is July 31, 2020.
  • Acknowledgement of submission will be sent to the author within 48 hours (working days) of the submission.
  • The authors shall be informed by the second-third week of August 2020 regarding the acceptance/rejection of their submission.


Contact Details

Anjali Tripathi -+91-9717159568 Aparna Tripathi-+91-7838797104

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