Libertatem Magazine

Call for Papers: International Journal of Legal Science and Innovation [ISSN, MANUPATRA INDEXED], Volume 2, Issue 3: Submit by Nov 17

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About the Journal

International Journal of Legal Science and Innovation [ISSN 2581-9453] is a referred scholarly blind peer-reviewed electronic journal intends to be a leader in facilitating a new kind of discussion in various fields of law. Believing that such engagement is transformative and that it is time for transformation in academia, IJLSI will be at the forefront in reinforcing relationships between communities and institutions of higher learning.

The Journal is indexed in 5 databases inclusing MANUPATRA and ROAD by ISSN.


IJLSI invites manuscripts on any theme related the Law field.

Guidelines for Submissions

  1. The work submitted shall be original and unpublished.
  2. Plagiarism of any kind is prohibited.
  3. When reviewing submissions, the Editorial Board considers whether the manuscripts are contemporarily relevant, topical and creative.
  4. Citation: The Citation style should be in consonance with Harvard Blue Book, 20 th Edition.
  5. Speaking footnotes are permitted.
  6. The body of the paper shall be: Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12, Line Spacing: 1.5
  7. Citations: Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 10, Line Spacing: 1
  8. The copyright of the entry to the Journal will rest with the Editorial Board once the entry has been selected and the authors (s) of the same have been notified.
  9. The final decision as to the acceptance of manuscripts rests with the Editorial Board of IJLSI.

Word Limit (Exclusive of Footnotes)

  • Research Papers: It must comprehensively analyse a specific issue including the status quo, indicating the lacunae and potential solutions. Author(s) may compare the law or judicial approach of other jurisdictions to strengthen the argument in between 3,000 to 5,000 words.
  • Short Articles: They are more concise than articles, in terms of scope and conceptualization. It should be between 1,500 and 3,000 words.
  • Case Comments: Prescribed word limit is between 2,000 to 3,500 words.

Submission Procedure

  • All the Manuscripts being contributed for IJLSI are to be sent at:
  • The manuscript must be accompanied with an abstract of paper (in the same document) in not more than 250-300 words.
  • The manuscript (including the abstract) must not contain any indication of the identity of the author.
  • The entries should reach the given email ID before 5:00 PM, 10 th November, 2020.
  • Entry should be in either ‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’ format.
  • A cover letter in either ‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’ format, mentioning the name, contact numbers, name of the institution, name of the university should be attached SEPARATELY along with the article itself in the same mail.
  • Subject of the mail should be – “Submission for Volume II, Issue 2”.
  • A mail confirming the receipt of the entry and subsequently notifying selected works of author (s) will be sent.

Processing Charges (To be paid after acceptance)

  • For Indian Author: INR 1000/-
  • For Foreign Countries: $ 25


E-certificate of publication will be provided to the published manuscripts.

Important Dates

  • Deadline for Submission of Manuscript: 17th November, 5:00 PM.
  • Review Results: Between 5-7 days of Submission.
  • Note: Please note that no acknowledgement email will be provided. The Acceptance/Rejection email will be sent within 5-7 days. Kindly take follow-up only if you do not receive the results of review in 5-7 days


Official Email:

For Quick help, Message via Instagram here.


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