Libertatem Magazine

Call for Papers: HPNLU’s Shimla Law Review [ISSN: 2582-1903], Submit by September 01

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About the Law Review

The Shimla Law Review is envisioned to be an annual publication, owned and I published by the HPNLU, Shimla. The Periodical is intended to provide a forum for faculty members, research scholars, judges, and students. It is not confined to the discipline of law but allows the contributors to take a call on the age-old tradition of legal scholarship.

It is open to tread beyond the established modes of reflection or exposition on select central ideas, concepts, tools, and techniques that are evidently integral to or associated with the legal academic discourse.

Further, SLR does not consider the task of legal education institutions to be limited to devising some expedient ideational mechanism to deal with diverse legal issues. The topography, where the University is located, resembles the terrains of the law and provides the most conducive opportunity for a publication such as the SLR that dwells deeper into the realms and nuances of these terrains of the law and legal system.

Call for Papers

The Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla, is launching the Third Volume of its annual publication, Shimla Law Review (SLR) (ISSN: 2582-1903). The volume is scheduled to be out in the month of December 2020.

In this connection, submissions, under different categories, are invited form interested faculty members, research scholars, judges, and professionals.

The volume is not restricted to any particular theme and manuscripts with an interdisciplinary perspective on contemporary socio-legal issues, theories, and developments awaiting scholarly treatment are encouraged. Selection of entries is based on double-blind peer review.

Submission Guidelines

Theme: There is no specific or particular theme(s) or topic(s) for the Volume. All submissions, relating to law, directly or otherwise, are welcome.

All submission in Electronic form: All contributions have to be submitted in electronic form. The manuscript should be typed in MS Office double spaced, with a left margin of one and half inches, and send to

Covering Letter: Author(s) must send a covering letter mentioning the title of the paper, name, designation and details of the author(s) and institutional affiliation. The author(s) are compulsorily required to make a solemn declaration about the originality of the manuscript and that the same has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

Communication of Acceptance: The decision on the acceptance of the paper for publication will be that of the Editorial Board, which shall be final. The decision of acceptance will be communicated to the contributor in eight weeks of receiving of the submission.

The last date for submission of contributions is September 01, 2020.

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