Libertatem Magazine

Call for Papers: Global Sports Policy Review [GSPR]: Register by September 30

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About GSPR Journal

Global Sports Policy Review, abbreviated as “GSPR”, is the first of its kind online Indian journal which combines articles addressing the overall curriculum policy which revolves around trending sports issues of the era, starting from legal and administrative policies of all other Sports related affairs.

This online journal is the outcome of an individual community. It is a peer-reviewed journal and is backed by a strong honorary advisory and editorial board, together with professional business staff and independent overseers, who are responsible for carrying out day-to-day operations in the global sports field.

Call for Papers

Any student pursuing a 3 year/4 years/5-year course, from any University throughout the world can send their paper. It is also open to academicians and professionals.

Publication Fees

There are no registration and processing charges.


Papers are solicited on any topic related to any sport. Following are the sub-themes:

  1. Sports & Law
  2. Sports & Management
  3. Sports & Psychology
  4. Sports & Marketing
  5. Sports & Artificial Intelligence
  6. Sports &  Science Technology
  7. Sports & Energy Management
  8. Sports & Science

Word Limit

5,000 words, inclusive of footnotes and other references. The abstract must not exceed 250 – 300 words. There must be a maximum of 5 keywords.

Citation Style: 4th Edition, OSCOLA format.

Formatting Guidelines

  • Font Style: Times New Roman
  • Main Title: 16, Bold
  • Heading: 14, Bold
  • Subheading: 12, Bold
  • Body Text: 12.
  • Spacing: 1.5
  • Footnotes: 10, Times New Roman
  • Margin: 2.54 inch (Top, Bottom, Right, Left)
  • Alignment: Justified
  • Page must not have borders, mention page number on the bottom right corner. 

General Guidelines

  • Co-authorship of a maximum of 2 authors is permitted.
  • Scholarly References and Primary Reference are compulsory. Any statistical data, fact or any other informative text when being used, need to have references to it in the form of footnotes/bibliography/webliography. References should be authentic to be reliable.
  • The use of tables in the paper is usually not suggested, but if it is imperative to use a table, then the author(s) may.
  • Submissions that are plagiarised to a level of more than 15% will not be accepted.
  • Only those submissions which are made through the Submission Portal will be considered. Submissions made through any other medium will not be considered.
  • Kindly do not mention your name or any other credential in the paper.
  • Ensure that the final paper has the abstract attached to it in the same document.


  • If selected, the papers will be published on their website ( However, the guidelines are to be followed by the authors.
  • Every author(s) whose paper is published, will be provided with an electronic certificate of publication.

Important Dates

  • Register here by 30th September 2020
  • Submit the paper (including abstract) here by 8th November 2020
  • You will receive a confirmation e-mail by 25th November 2020

Contact Details

E-mail us your query at

Call at +91 9432282141 (Mr. Subhrajit Chanda) or +91 7908471116 (Aritra Deb).


The official website link of Global Sports Policy Review is here. is now on Telegram. Follow us for regular legal updates and judgements from the court. Follow us on Google News, InstagramLinkedInFacebook & Twitter. You can also subscribe for our Weekly Email Updates. Libertatem Group does not take any responsibility for the accuracy of this Event Notification. The post has been shared as we received it from the event organizers/host.

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