Libertatem Magazine

Call for Papers by Law Granth: National Journal on Socio-Legal Contemporary Issues [Volume 3, Issue 1]: Submit by 28 Feb, 2021

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About the Organization

Law Granth is a collaboration of legal professionals, academicians, and scholars aimed at increasing free flow of legal knowledge through an easily accessible online portal.

Law Granth journal is dedicated to providing research and expression opportunities to persons in legal field in the subject matters of Constitutional Law, Corporate Law, International Law, Criminal Law and other subject matter related Socio-Legal Contemporary Issues.

Law Granth has been registered with ISSN.

About the Journal

Law Granth: National Legal Journal on Socio-Legal Contemporary Issues is a quarterly journal.

They gather contributions in the field of law by the way of articles, research papers, essays, case commentaries to evolve the skills of writing in law enthusiasts and to drive them to the path of divergent thinking processes. The articles shall go through a review by the panel at the various stage and the ones meeting the standards of the journal shall be published.


The authors are free to write on any topic related to Social-Legal Contemporary Matters, Corporate Matters, International Matters, Criminal Matters and Constitutional Matters in India or International concerns.

Word Limit

  • Long articles: 4000-6000 words
  • Short articles: 2000-4000 words
  • Case commentary: 1500-3000 words

Guidelines for Submission

  • A short abstract must be added in the article that outlines the main questions or theme addressed in the paper is required to be sent. An abstract must be accompanied with the manuscript. Any manuscript received without the
    specified word limit shall be rejected.
  • Body of the Manuscript shall be in Font size 12, Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing.
  • Footnotes shall be in Font size 10, Times New Roman, 1.0 line spacing.
  • Citation in footnotes and in Bluebook (20th Edition) style.
  • Heading and subheading: All capital and bold (Times New Roman font, size 14)
  • All submission is to be sent in either Doc. or Docx format (MS word file).
  • A maximum of two co-authors is permitted. Submissions of more than two co-authors shall be disqualified. The full names, designations, contact numbers and email addresses of all the author(s), must be mentioned in the
    cover page of the manuscript.
  • Article submitted to Law Granth shall be original and unpublished.

How to Submit?

  • Manuscript file must be named as ‘Title of the Manuscript’: First Name of the author(s) except in the cover page, name or details of the author(s) should not be mentioned anywhere in the Manuscript.
  • In case of any doubt about the procedure, the submission guidelines can be referred.
  • All the submissions shall be mailed to granthlaw[at] before the expiration of due date.
  • The author/s must adhere to submission guidelines mentioned above, failing which will lead to direct disqualification of the application.

Publication Details

  • Submission of the final paper with the abstract: 28th February 2021
  • E- Certificate of publication, with ISSN, would be awarded to all selected authors.
  • Top 5 authors CV will be recommended to our associates.
  • Registration is free of cost.

Contact Details

E-mail ID:

Mobile Number: 9983414669; 7470472667

Note: Whatsapp or text message would be preferred.

The website link of Law Granth is here:

About the Author