Libertatem Magazine

Call For Papers: 1st Research Paper competition organised by the International Journal for Business Law Studies.

Contents of this Page

About the Journal

The International Journal for Business Law Studies is a Bi-annual online journal initiated with the aim of fostering the legal minds functioning in the arena of International Business Laws to dwell into comprehensive research. Having its roots in core research and knowledge, the journal not only intends on extending a platform to students, scholars and researchers to only impart their own information on the subject but, also take the discourse to a new dimension altogether.
This journal invites Research Papers in the areas of –
 General Corporate Laws
 Banking and Finance (including IBC)
 Competition Laws
 ADR Systems
 Intellectual Property Laws
 Mergers and Acquisitions and,
 Investment Laws
Since the aim of this journal is to promote research in the International and Cross-border aspects
of such laws, the research should be reasonably connected to /in context of, the International aspects of these laws. The manuscripts sent to us should not be restricted to a particular country’s laws. As stated earlier, the research should be connecting a particular country’s legal system to the international aspects of such laws or purely related to the international aspects of the laws.

Theme for the Inaugural Issue –

The Papers should be covering any one or more of the abovementioned areas. The specific theme for Issue 1 is as follows:

“How was the world affected by the pandemic outbreak and what all measures were taken to fight this?”

Alternatively, the authors can also very meticulously and extensively discuss on the following theme – “What will be the future of the business sector in the aftermath of COVID-19?” The authors need not restrict themselves to the specific questions posed in the theme, but their general idea should be linking any one of the seven fields of law above to the COVID-19 outbreak.

About the Competition – The present issue being the Inaugural issue of the Journal, the
entries will be accepted in the form of a competition with its own perks and benefits.
Perks –
 The author(s) of the best paper will be awarded a prize of Rs. 1500/-
 The author(s) of the second-best paper will be awarded a prize of 1000/-
 All the papers selected for publication will merit a certificate of publication
 Participation certificates to all.
Specific Guidelines for the Manuscript –

Author(s) – Each manuscript may have up to two authors. The manuscripts itself should not contain any part of the identity of the author(s).
All Manuscripts must follow the following formatting guidelines:
1. Font Style – Garamond
2. Font Size – 12
3. Line Spacing – 1.5
4. Margins – 2.54 cm (“Normal”) on each side of the page
Citations and References – All relevant sources shall be duly acknowledged as footnotes with the
following guidelines:
1. Font Style – Garamond
2. Font Size – 10
3. Line Spacing – 1

Abstract: The manuscript shall contain an abstract of not more than 300 words.
Word Limit: The word limit would be considered excluding the footnotes – 5000 words.
Last date for submission: [extended till] 26th August, 2020 on/before 11:59 p.m. (Wednesday).

For detailed submission guidelines, please visit –

Submission Procedure

The author(s) are required to e-mail the manuscript to, Alternatively, they can also visit our website – and submit the
manuscript through our website. The manuscript should be submitted only in ‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’ format.

The subject of the e-mail must clearly mention, ‘Submission of Manuscript’.
The e-mail must contain the subject – “Submission for Volume I Issue I” and the email body should provide the – Name, Email, Phone, Affiliation (University or Firm or Any other Profession) and the complete postal address. Please note that these details will be kept confidential.

An e-mail confirming the receipt of the manuscript and subsequently its acceptance for
publication would be duly sent to the author(s) through the e-mail id used by the author(s) for correspondence by the Journal. In case of submission through website, the email mentioned in the form shall be used for all the correspondence.

We recommend you to visit our website for more information on the submission procedure, details of the competition and our policies. The website link is –

Contact Details – (Whatsapp)
Rishabh Vyas – +91 9660762648
Priyal Dhandhukia – +91 8975433874

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