Libertatem Magazine

Call for Chapters: Gujarat Maritime University’s Edited Book on Maritime Labour Law: Submit by Oct 20

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About Gujarat Maritime University

Gujarat Maritime University (GMU) is an endeavour by Gujarat Maritime Board (GMB), the state regulator for the ports and maritime activities in Gujarat. The University has been conceived by visionaries to address the burgeoning need of skilled the workforce in the ever-changing dynamics of the maritime sector. In pursuit of creating an institution of global standards, GMU has collaborations with internationally prominent institutions like Erasmus University, STC International and many other.

Concept Note

Maritime transport is the backbone of international trade as more than 80% of global trade by volume happens through ships. Maritime workers perform an admirable service to humanity by helping in moving ships and a variety of cargo from one port to the other. Working on long-term contracts, at sea, and far away from home, seafarers have to face
numerous challenges.

These include issues related to repatriation, abandonment, non- payment of wages, etc. Mindful of problems faced by seafarers in international waters, some forward-looking developments have taken place in international law. Today there are many Conventions and recommendations on working conditions in the maritime transport sector which aims to achieve decent work for seafarers and to secure economic interests through fair competition for quality ship owners. Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) negotiated in the year 2006, is considered as the “fourth pillar” of International Maritime Law.

The purpose of this book is to analyze the current legal regime governing maritime workers. Chapters will focus on variety of themes related to Maritime Labour Law, like the Seafarer Employment Agreement, repatriation, abandonment, criminalization of seafarers. Special attention will be given to the issues related to the implementation of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006. Separate chapters will be dedicated for highlighting issues and challenges in the implementation of the Maritime Labour Convention by flag state, port state, and labour supplying states.

Furthermore, the book will assess whether the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 has been successful in filling gaps in maritime labour law which were existing before its negotiation. We take the privilege of requesting you to share your
thoughts/experience/insight/analysis on any of the related theme/sub-theme related to Maritime Labour Law.

Tentative Themes

  • History of seafarers and world shipping
  • The Role of Trade Union Activities in the Maritime Sector
  • Legal issues related to Recruitment and Placement agencies for seafarers
  • Seafarer Employment Agreement, under Maritime Labour Convention 2006
  • Jurisdiction and governing law in disputes arising out of a Seafarer’s Employment Agreement
  • Abandonment of seafarer and legal response
  • Legal Issues related to Repatriation of Seafarers
  • System of financial security for seafarers under Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
  • Maritime Labour Law and issues related to medical care and welfare of the seafarers
  • Flag state responsibilities under Maritime Labour Law
  • Port state responsibilities under Maritime Labour Law
  • Labour supplying state responsibilities under Maritime Labour Law
  • Challenges to implementation of Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
  • Legal frameworks governing Port Workers

Note: The above-mentioned themes are not exhaustive; Authors are open to work on any topic related to the above-mentioned theme(s).

About the Editors

Prof. (Dr.) S.Shanthakumar

Prof. (Dr.) S. Shanthakumar is Director(I/C) of School of Maritime Law, policy and Administration, Gujarat Maritime University, and Vice-Chancellor of Gujarat National Law University with about 27 years of teaching experience at prestigious universities including Hidayatullah National Law University.

Mohit Gupta

Mohit Gupta is Assistant Professor at School of Maritime Law, policy and Administration, Gujarat Maritime University. He heads the Center on Maritime Labour Law at Gujarat Maritime University.

Submission Guidelines

  1. Submissions are to be made only in the electronic form (MS Word format).
  2. The chapter should be in Times New Roman 12 point font and double spaced. A uniform mode of citation in OSCOLA format must be followed throughout the work.
  • Word Count for the book chapter should be 5000 to 10000.
  • A covering letter with the name(s) of the author(s) and address, designation, institution/affiliation, the title of the manuscript and contact information (email, phone, etc.) is compulsory to submit. All submissions must contain an abstract of not more than 300 words.
  • All the contributions should be the original work of the contributors and should not have been submitted for consideration in any other Publication. The authors are required to take special care in citing all the sources that they will refer to in their submissions.
  • The submissions received would be reviewed by the panel of Editors to determine whether the Subject matter is within the scope of the Book and assess the quality of the manuscript.
  • The book will be published with an established publishing house of International/National repute & will carry an ISBN number.
  • Last Date for Receipt of the submission is 20th October 2020.
  • All submissions are to be made via e-mail as MS word documents is now on Telegram. Follow us for regular legal updates and judgements from the court. Follow us on Google News, InstagramLinkedInFacebook & Twitter. You can also subscribe for our Weekly Email Updates. Libertatem Group does not take any responsibility for the accuracy of this Event Notification. The post has been shared as we received it from the event organizers/host.

About the Author