Libertatem Magazine

Call For Book Proposals: Criminal Justice And Philosophy

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Trivent Publishing, H-1119 Budapest, Etele u. 59-61

Publisher: Andreas Wilmes

Series Editor

  1. Blake Wilson (California State University, Stanislaus),

Editorial Board

Carina Gallo, San Francisco State University

Francis Joseph Mootz, University of the Pacific – McGeorge School of Law

Sol Neely, University of Alaska Southeast

Mark Reiff, University of California, Davis

Sebastian Sclofsky, California State University, Stanislaus

About the Series

This series aims to canvas innovative, critical, and global/international debates addressing the intersection of criminal justice and philosophy (social, political, ethical, and legal). ‘Criminal Justice’ is broadly understood to include formal institutional responses to crime and misconduct, as well as informal and non-institutional responses which include behaviors considered ‘deviant,’ anti-social,’ or otherwise outside the scope of criminal law.

We invite proposals based on empirical research, conceptual analysis, and theoretical work for monographs, handbooks, or edited collections on a broad range of topics. Proposals can include topics related to the philosophy of criminal justice as well as criminal justice and philosophy. We are particularly interested in the exploration of innovative approaches to the problems presented by the classification of certain behaviors as criminal or ‘merely’ wrongful, the maintenance of separate criminal and civil legal institutions, and the pervasive use of coercive institutions (police, jails, prison) as mechanisms of social control and punishment.

The editors are particularly interested in proposals across the following thematic areas:

– The role of political agents in criminal law and procedure: popular, legislative, executive
– Geographies of crime, violence and justice in terms of race, ethnicity, class, and nationality (e.g. differential punishment, mass incarceration, etc.)
– Crime prevention and social/cultural change
– The role of law enforcement
– Justifications for collateral consequences, probation, parole, etc.
– Alternatives to punishment: restorative justice, compensatory justice, etc.
– The abolition of the prison
– The normative force of criminal law
– The moral problems of incarceration
– Criminal law and economic justice
– Criminal law and social justice
– Criminal law and applied ethics
– Decarceration and decriminalization: techniques, strategies, goals
– Unification of criminal and civil law
– Theories and justifications of punishment (consequential, deontological, retributivist, expressivist, etc.)
– Historical perspectives on crime and punishment

Proposals that sit outside of these areas are also welcome.

For additional information about this series or the submission process, please email Blake Wilson at

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