Libertatem Magazine

Call for Blogs: The Quest Socio – Legal Review: Submissions on Rolling Basis

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About the Blog

The Quest Socio – Legal Review is an initiative by law students. As the name of the blog suggests, it is a continuous search of new ideas, opinions and contributing towards an informed citizenry. Taking the example of the Constitution of India, which in itself is an amalgamation of law with various other aspects of social sciences. The Quest Socio–legal Review is an effort to explore law and interdisciplinary approaches to law by drawing on insights from various disciplines- history, economics and social sciences.

The blog is actively advised by the honourable advisory board of The Quest SLR, comprising of Professor MP Singh, Professor Aakash Singh Rathore, Mr. Bharat Chugh, Mr Sajid Sheikh, Mr Tarun Singh, Mr Ashit Srivastava and Ms. Nabeela Siddiqui.


Submission is not restricted to any particular theme; however, the author must submit their blogs on contemporary topics/issues. The Quest SLR appreciates if the articles particularly deal with some socio-legal issues.


Submissions from the students, academicians, professionals and practitioners are invited.

Submission Guidelines

General Guidelines

1.      The submission should be relevant to any area of social sciences or interdisciplinary approach of two or more subjects, we appreciate if the work touches law and other fields of social sciences.

2.      The work must be original and unpublished. All the submissions will be screened for similarity index, the author(s) must adhere to a limit of 10%. However, in exceptional cases, the limit can be relaxed to an extent of 15% at the sole discretion of the editorial board of THE QUEST SLR.

3.      The work of the author(s) must portray a new idea or contribution to the jurisprudence of the topic/issue. The arguments presented in the work must be logical and if any assertions are made, it must be backed by facts.

4.      The submission must fall within 800-1500 words (excluding endnotes). However, the word limit can be relaxed depending upon the type of work and at the discretion of the editorial board.

5.      Co-authorship is allowed for a maximum of 2 authors.

Citation and format

1.      The mode of citation preferably is a hyperlink for online resources, if it is not possible to cite the source using hyperlink the author(s) may use any Uniform Citation method.      

2.      The author(s) must use Endnotes for citation purpose.

3.      The content must be written in Times New Roman Font with a size of 12 and 1.5 as line spacing.

4.      Wikipedia and websites like Wikipedia must not be cited if done the work will be disregarded. Cases cited must adhere to Manupatra, AIR or SCC.


1.      Submissions must be mailed at with the subject line ‘Submissions_ (the topic of the article).’

2.      The article must be submitted in .doc/.docx format, the full name of the author(s), bio and affiliate institution must be mentioned in the body of the email.

For complete submission guidelines visit here.


The submissions will be on rolling basis.

Contact Information

Email ID (for queries only) –

Contact editorial board (submission-based queries only) –

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