Libertatem Magazine

Call for Articles: The Blue Letters Blog Series: Submit by November 20

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About The Blue Letters

The Blue Letters is a digital knowledge platform. Throughout human history, one of the primary reasons for socio-economic disparity has been lack of accessibility, especially to knowledge. The law, complex social structures, and the intricate concepts of various social sciences often create confusion due to their complex terminology and the sheer volume of data.

This confusion, this gap between people and information is the place where most of society’s issues take root – be it corruption, class disparity, or other forms of discrimination.

Call for Articles

The Blue Letters welcomes all kinds of submissions in the form of articles, research pieces, opinions, and short notes for their Blog Series on the theme: “Social Justice”.

Following are some of the sub-themes for submissions:

  1. Long term impacts of pandemic on society, culture and other norms
  2. Effect on cases of gender violence, child abuse (especially against female children)
  3. Possible long terms effects of economic insecurity on various age groups and social groups
  4. Increase in socio economic disparity, decrease in socio economic mobility and possible solutions to curb it
  5. Increased vulnerability of various protected/unprotected indigenous communities
  6. Reasons, impact and way ahead for the increased cases of reverse internal migration

The above-mentioned is not an exhaustive list and the authors are free to submit their pieces on other matters related to the theme. They encourage interdisciplinary works instead of purely legal pieces. The author(s) will bear sole responsibility for the accuracy of facts, opinions, or views stated in the submitted manuscript.

The thematic call for submissions for this series ends on 20th November 2020.

Submission Guidelines

  • The article should be a non-plagiarized original work of the author; It should neither be published nor under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • Co-authorship of articles is allowed (maximum – 2 authors).
  • The content should be written in TIMES NEW ROMAN font with a size of 12 and line spacing is to be maintained at 1.5.
  • They encourage the authors to use American English.
  • All the relevant sources must be duly acknowledged and hyperlinked in the text of the submission itself; and if the sources cannot be hyperlinked, the author(s) may use uniformly styled endnotes. They do not allow any other mode of citation.
  • They prefer an article with 1000-1500 words (inclusive of endnotes, in any). Articles with more than 1600 words shall not be considered as a general rule, except under special circumstances subject to the sole discretion of the Editorial Board. In case author(s) want(s) to roll out the content in multiple parts, the decision on the word limit shall be taken by editorial board accordingly.
  • The article must be submitted in a .doc/.docx format to 
  • The submission mail must contain a brief description of the author(s), besides the manuscript. The article must not in form contain any information regarding the author(s).
  • In relation to all the disputes, the decision of the Editorial Board shall be final and binding.

For more details on Submission Guidelines, click here.

Contact Information

You may contact at


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