Libertatem Magazine

Call For Blogs: TechMETLaw Blog, Submissions Open

Contents of this Page

About TechMETLaw:

TechMETLaw is an endeavor by two recent law graduates to build and create business and legal awareness of technology, media, entertainment, telecommunications (TMET) laws, and their interface. We aim to provide the latest updates and fundamentals to TMET enthusiasts to learn, build, connect, and grow in this field. We wish to be accessible to non-law background individuals as well to make them aware of recent developments and encourage cyber and media responsibility.

About the Blog:

The Blog aims to serve as a forum for the expression of the authors’ views on various topics of Technology, Media, Entertainment, and Telecommunications Law. We wish to create a resourceful one-stop destination for posts on Technology, Media, Entertainment, and Telecommunications Law while ensuring to provide our readers with quality content.

Submission Guidelines

  • Blog posts can be authored by students, professionals, and academicians.
  • A post shall be accepted for publication if it falls within the scope of the blog, i.e. Technology, Media, Entertainment, or Telecommunications Law It is essential that the subject matter of the submissions relates to contemporary issues in the abovementioned fields of law. We also welcome submissions that explore the commercial implication of these laws. Authors are encouraged to contribute by providing novel perspectives/ ideas/ opinions through their posts.
  • A submission shall have at least 800 words and shall not exceed 1200 words. Tables, charts, and relevant figures where appropriate, can be added.
  • References: Use hyperlinks or citations for references (Hyperlinks are preferred).
  • Co-authorship of up to two authors is permitted.
  • Submissions must be made in MS Word format only.
  • Submissions must be made to subject titled- “TechMETLaw Blog Submission”
  • Submissions must necessarily be accompanied by:
  • A cover letter with the name(s) of the author(s), institution/affiliation, the title of the manuscript, and contact information.
  • A short biographical note of not more than 50 words stating who you are, your academic position (if relevant), research interests, etc.
  • By way of their submission, the authors confirm that the submission represents their original work and that it has not been copied or plagiarized in whole or in part from other works. Moreover, such submission shall also mean that the authors confirm that the work is not under consideration or review for publication by any other blog/journal/website or a similar entity. TechMETLaw reserves the right to take action against authors who are found to not abide by this.



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