Libertatem Magazine

Call For Blogs: Lex Imperium Human Rights Blog, Submission on Rolling Basis

Contents of this Page

About Us

We at Lex Imperium try to bring all the recent legal news, journals, internships, blogs for the law students. Our platform isn’t area or genre specific, rather it’s an initiative to serve the legal fraternity by providing what’s relevant for our society. We as law students know the pain of our fellow colleagues as they strive to keep up with everything going on in the forever busy law colleges therefore we try to bring forth every possible anecdote for you on a singular platform.  Apart from this we’ll bring you updates on our online events, internship competitions and webinars which we organize on a timely basis.

Lex Imperium is the creation of several National Law University students of legal field and primary motive of this forum is to provide information about the every aspect of legal field to law students. Our purpose behind this initiative is to provide a platform where anybody can find the scope in law, opportunities in legal field, became acquaintance and excel in this field.

We provide day to day legal news, contemporary cases, internship opportunities in different law firms, NGOs, research centers etc. We conduct our own webinar sessions with eminent lawyers on different issues related to law.  We also organize different competitions for writing lovers and winners get worthy rewards.

We also provide information get in certified courses which will help you in your time in college and these courses give you the real side of the legal profession.

About the Blog

The Lex Imperium Human Rights Blog (LIHRB) is an egalitarian space welcoming original contributions involving critical interdisciplinary research on human rights developments across the world. It aims to initiate and promote dialogue, discussion and discourse between various actors and stakeholders in the field of human rights. It intends to provide an accessible forum for timely, relevant, well-researched, and edited scholarly articles. The blog belongs to the writer only, we are here to help provide them an appropriate platform to launch their ideas. Join the group and help us serve the community in a better way.


The writers are free to express their thoughts on any issue as long as it falls under the Purview of Human Rights.

How to Submit

Writers can mail their blogs on . The Subject of the mail should be “LIHR Blog Submission”.

  1. Co-authorship up to two authors is allowed. Refrain from mentioning the name, institutional affiliation or any other detail of the author(s) in the document to facilitate the double-blind review process
  2. All works must be original and unpublished. Any form of plagiarism will lead to disqualification for publication on the Blog
  3. The word limit for the manuscript is 1500 words. This word limit is exclusive of the endnotes (if any). Longer posts may be accepted and published in parts subject to the discretion of the editors
  4. All references must be in the form of hyperlinks in the body of the submission. Hyperlinks should be provided to all supporting materials and legal texts for the benefit of the readers. In case no hyperlink is available for any reference, use of endnotes is recommended. No speaking endnotes or footnotes are allowed.


  1. The title of the post should be formatted to Garamond font size 14, All Caps and in bold. The main body of the text should be formatted to Garamond font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing with a single line space between paragraphs
  2. Submissions must be in a Word format (‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’). Ensure that the title of the document has been renamed to the title of the post


  1. All texts will go through a double-blind peer review. The review process consists of two tiers – preliminary review and detailed review.
  2. At the end of the preliminary review (“Tier 1”), the authors will be informed of the decision of the editors – either accept or reject. The decision at Tier 1 shall be communicated to the authors within 5 days.
  3. If a text is accepted at Tier 1, the authors will be asked to consent to enter the detailed review process (“Tier 2”) for which they must confirm that the piece won’t be published on any other blog/website while being in our peer review process. The decision along with any amendments and suggestions shall be communicated to the authors at the earliest.
  4. If the text has been selected for publication, the authors will be expected to perform any necessary revision in good faith. Authors are also expected to be cooperative when it comes to minor editorial changes which might be necessary even after revision at Tier 2


  1. The Blog follows a comprehensive double-blind review process. The Board of Editors shall endeavour to keep the author(s) informed about the current status of their manuscript as it goes through each stage of review
  2. The Board of Editors retains complete discretion over acceptance/rejection of manuscripts.
  3. The Board of Editors will not entertain requests for advance decisions based on abstracts, topic proposals or outlines. Editorial decisions shall be based solely on review of the final manuscripts submitted by the author(s).
  4. Post-review, manuscripts may be returned to the author(s) with suggestions related to substance and/or style. Acceptance of a manuscript for publication is contingent on the incorporation of such suggestions to the satisfaction of the Board of Editors.
  5. Upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication by the Board, the copyright over the manuscript is vested in the Blog. However, the moral rights over the manuscript shall vest in the author(s).
  6. Upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication, the same shall not be published on any other platform. The Blog only accepts exclusive publications.

Important Dates and Deadlines

There is no deadline for submissions. They will be accepted on a rolling basis. Early submissions will be appreciated.

Contact Info

Mobile No.- 8963083994, 6376025982.



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