Libertatem Magazine

Call for Blogs: Ex Gratia Law Journal: BLawG: Rolling Submissions

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About Ex Gratia Law Journal

Ex Gratia Law Journal is double-blind peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary Online journal. The Ex Gratia Law Journal is an Open Online Journal. The Law Journal strives to provide a platform for discussion of International as well as National Developments in the Field of Law. It aims at educating the majority population of India, who are unaware of their right and duties and are subjected to exploitation.

About the Blog

The Ex Gratia Law Journal: BLawG showcases contemporary issues and challenges specific to law, with an interdisciplinary approach towards assimilating knowledge. The Blog shall accept submissions from academicians, students, and professionals on a rolling basis.

Call for Blogs

Ex Gratia Law Journal is now accepting blog posts. Ex Gratia Law Journal welcomes original pieces and editorials on contemporary issues related to different domains of law relevant to the mission of the Blog. Students, academicians, advocates, and other stakeholders associated with the field of law are invited to contribute to this blog.


Any legal topic.

Note: The theme for the blog is open; one can write on any topic related to contemporary legal issues that we face on a day-to-day basis. Our main objective is to provide analytical views and new insight to the readers.

How to Submit?

Submission Guidelines

  • Authors are expected to adhere to the following submission guidelines:
  • Articles should contain content that is both original and unpublished.
  • Submissions can be in the form of articles, opinions, case comments and short notes on the aforementioned topics.
  • The manuscript shall not exceed more than 20% of Plagiarism.
  • The articles should be analytical rather than descriptive.
  • Please ensure that the title of the submission is not more than ten words long.
  • Articles should be submitted in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx).
  • They encourage the use of hyperlinks as opposed to footnotes. However, if your article contains sources that cannot be linked, please use Bluebook 19 edition or 20 edition the style in the footnotes.
  • Except under extreme circumstances, we do not publish articles beyond 700-1300 words. Lengthier articles can be published in the form of Blog series with the permission of the editors.
  • They evaluate articles on three chief criteria: relevancy of the article, content of the article and language employed in the article. We tend to publish perspectives that are not adequately covered on other fora.
  • Formatting: Please use British English. To add emphasis, please italicise the text.


No deadline. Early Posts would be appreciated. Submissions would be accepted on a rolling basis.

Fee Details

No Publication Fees. There shall be no fee at any stage of publication.

Contact Information

Contact: 9444959977 (Darshan Bhora), 7299688554 (Kandeep Shravan)

E-mail ID:


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