Libertatem Magazine

Call for Blogs by RSRR on “Year After Catastrophe: Looking into the Budget Session, 2021”

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The RGNUL Student Research Review Journal is a bi-annual, student-run, blind peer reviewed,  flagship journal based at Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab. It has been founded with  the objective of facilitating arguments in black and white on contemporary and less explored issues  through the themes chosen for the Journal as well as monthly blogs.  


RSRR, in 2017, began with its Blog Series to provide a platform for critically analysing contemporary  and unexplored legal issues. The RSRR Blog Series has been ranked among the top 35 Constitutional  Law Blogs by Feedspot.  


The RSRR Blog Series invites submissions from students, academicians, lawyers and other  professionals from the legal fraternity on the theme “A Year After Catastrophe: Looking into the  Budget Session, 2021”.  

A year after the global ravage forced by the novel Coronavirus, world economies continue to find  strategies to overcome financial as well as other ramifications brought by the virus. In this backdrop,  the Indian Parliament has witnessed certain strong and promising measures introduced with the annual  Budget. The onset of 2021 witnessed 137% increase in the health budget, with the determination to  fight the pandemic as an underlying driving force. Besides this, the ongoing Budget session also  witnessed the introduction of certain pertinent bills dealing with diverse arenas of law, in the  Parliament.  

By the means of this Series, we intend to initiate a dialogue on these upcoming Bills amongst the  potential stakeholders and the legal fraternity. The aim is to create a platform to bring about legal as  well as policy analysis of these upcoming Bills (tabled/yet to be introduced or passed) in the context  of the larger debate surrounding the modification of the Indian legal regime in 2021. The authors are  encouraged to put forward the potential effects and constructive solutions for issues associated with  the Bills.


  1. The Finance Bill, 2021  

– The Finance Bill, 2021 proposes more than 80 amendments to existing laws, including  inter alia taxation laws, company law and investment laws, in the country. The Bill  proposes to increase the tax audit turnover, include provisions of faceless appeals and  form Dispute Resolution Committees, in the backdrop of heavy anticipation and  expectations of sound policies reversing the hardships that fell on the nation because  of the COVID-19 pandemic. The effect of the Bill remains to be seen on other laws  and policies in the country.  

  1. The Tribunals Reforms (Rationalisation and Conditions of Service) Bill, 2021 – The Bill proposes to abolish 5 tribunals with the aim to “streamline tribunals” and “provide  a mechanism for filing appeal directly to the commercial court or the High Court”, leading once  again to the longstanding debate of the need of specialization of courts, amongst other  issues.  
  2. The Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Bill, 2021 

– Passed by the Lok Sabha, this Bill aims to ensure, amongst other things, that all  stakeholders get an opportunity to seek a stay on arbitral awards, where the underlying  agreement is induced by fraud or corruption, which can prove to be a new turn to  ADR laws in the country.  

  1. The DNA Technology (Use and Application) Regulation Bill, 2018 

– With the release of the recent report by the Standing Committee, concerns have been  raised regarding the misuse of databanks, unleashing a new dimension of social justice,  privacy and reproductive rights.  

  1. The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens (Amendment) Bill, 2019 – Entering into a new year of discussion, new recommendations to this Bill include the  improvement of literacy and mental health via counselling amongst seniors, with an aim to improve welfare and wellbeing.  
  2. The Competition (Amendment) Bill, 2021 

– With many new amendments proposed to the Competition Act, 2002, this Bill  envisages major policy changes. 

  1. The Cryptocurrency and Regulation of Official Digital Currency Bill, 2021 – The Bill is highly anticipated to notably lay the basis for an official digital currency with  ties to the RBI, an issue being hotly debated by policy and legal experts.  
  2. The Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Bill, 2021 – This Bill, has stirred a lot of controversy, as the power tussle between the Union and  State Government in Delhi may get reignited because of the proposed strengthening  of the powers of the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi.  
  3. The National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID) Bill, 2021 – This Bill proposes setting up a development financial institution (DFI) for the purpose  of funding infrastructure projects of national importance across the country. 10. The Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation (Amendment)  Bill, 2021  

– The Bill is aimed at eliminating dehumanising working conditions of manual  scavengers and the new amendment proposes mechanisation of sewer cleaning and  compensation for accidents.  

The submissions are, however, not restricted to the aforementioned Bills, provided they fall within  the ambit of the overarching theme of Bills in discussion in the Budget Session of 2021. 


  1. All submissions must be in Garamond, font size 12, spacing 1.5.  
  2. Referencing: 
  3. Manuscripts must include hyperlinks for relevant legal sources and other information,  including any laws, treaties or other legal texts which are mentioned. 
  4. The Hyperlinks must only link to legal or reliable/respected news sources. The sources  shall only be linked to primary sources. Hyper-linking to secondary sources may lead  to re-corrections required from the authors. 
  5. Relevant legal sources that cannot be accessed online may be cited through endnotes.  The endnotes should be in Garamond, font size 10, single-spaced. A recognized,  uniform style of citation is necessary for acceptance. 
  6. Margins: Left 1 Inch, Right 1 Inch, Top 1 Inch, and Bottom 1 Inch. 
  7. Word limit for each post is 1500-1800 words (exclusive of endnotes).
  8. Authors are required to provide an abstract of 100-150 words along with keywords that  represent the essence of the submission. The abstract is to be submitted along with the article  itself in the same document as of the blog submission. 
  9. The entries should be submitted only in .doc/.docx format. 
  10. Entries that will be selected, after the review process, shall be published on the RSRR website. 8. E-certificates will be awarded to the authors of each published blog. 
  11. Co-authorship up to a maximum of 2 persons is permitted. 
  12. The author(s) bear sole responsibility for the accuracy of facts, opinions or views stated in the  submitted Manuscript. 
  13. Plagiarism in any form is strictly prohibited. 
  14. Copyright of all blog posts shall remain with RGNUL Student Research Review. 13. All moral rights shall vest with the author(s). 
  15. The manuscripts not abiding to the above guidelines are liable to be rejected. 


All the submissions must be made through the Google Form. Any submission made via any other  mode than the one suggested or even via mail shall not be considered. The last date for submissions  for this Series is 20th March, 2021


In case of any query, authors can mail us at 

RSRR website can be accessed here. 

Previous Blog Series can be accessed here.

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