Libertatem Magazine

Aequitas Victoria’s AIJACLA Competition Quest for Next Best Legal Analyst: Submit by September 30

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About the Competition

The All India Journal on Analysis of Contemporary Legal Affairs (AIJACLA) Competition Quest for “Next Best Legal Analyst” by Aequitas Victoria aims to unearth the Best Legal Analyst in India.

The organizers believe that the legal research scenario in India should be molded in such a way that new researchers are encouraged, recognized and appreciated for their work. They believe that these researchers have the ability to take central stage in policy making. This competition will engage with students to develop their research skills and will foster their
abilities. Further. This competition is expected to provide a scope for exposing the skills of the participants in Policy Analyzing; Case Commentary and Book/Article Review in the field of Law.


The Authors are free to write on any topics related to law; however topics on contemporary legal affairs will be given more priority.

Category of Submission and Word Limit

Research Papers (2,000-3,000 words): Research Papers must focus on a particular problem related to any topics in the field of law and must address the Research Questions along with the Objectives for doing the Research in the Introduction itself. They must also provide a specific Conclusion based on the Research Questions along with the suggestions, if any for addressing the Research Problem.

Legal Essays (1,500-2,000 words): All essays must bring a factual analysis on the topic of law dealt upon, in a comprehensive manner. Unlike Research Papers, it is not essential for essays to have a particular Research Problem or Research Questions assuch, but all such essays shall make a proper analysis of the topic chosen.

Legislative Analysis (1,000-1,500 words): This Section will include analysis of any Laws, Bills, Policies, Rules, Regulations, By-laws, etc. having the source of law, or passed by any Authority defined as State under Article 12 of the Constitution of India, along with personal comments from the Author(s) on such Laws, Bills, Policies, Rules, Regulations, By-laws, etc. provided such comments shall be an Academic one and not merely Activists or Political opinions.

Case Commentaries (500-1000 words): This Section will include analysis made on Case Laws passed by any Judicial or Extra-Judicial Bodies from across the world, established by a well-defined source of law along with personal comments of the Author(s), provided that such personal comments shall be an Academic one and not merely Activists or Political Opinions. All Case Commentaries must include- Facts of the Case, the Judgments as well as Conclusion along with other necessary topics.

Note: However, no submissions shall be accepted on matters pending before any Court of Law across the Globe.

Book/Article Reviews (up to 500 words): This Section shall deal with Reviews made on popular Law Books or Law Articles published in Reputed Journals.

Submission Guidelines

  • Co-Authorship is limited to a maximum of two, but in no way Authorship shall increase more than 3.
  • The permissible limit of Plagiarism is 15% beyond which, submissions shall be summarily rejected.
  • All submissions shall be original, unpublished and shall also not be under consideration anywhere else. The decision of the Editorial Board regarding the acceptance and rejection of Articles shall be final.
  • All submissions must contain proper citations referring to the sources used in writing the concerned Articles and must adhere to the formatting guidelines strictly, failing which will result into summarily rejecting the Articles.
  • Submissions of Research Papers as well as Legal Essays shall include an Abstract within 100-150 words highlighting the novelty of the idea of the Research as well as the Conclusion derived in brief.
  • The Manuscript submitted must not contain any details regarding the Author(s) for which a separate cover letter shall be submitted along with the manuscripts mentioning the details as regards- the name, designation, institution, email id as well.
    as phone numbers of all the Authors, in case the submissions consists of Co-Authors.
  • Note: all such information shall be used only for the purpose of the Journal and for nothing else.
  • All the submissions must also contain a Declaration, the format of which is provided herein at the last
  • The last date for submitting the Articles shall be 30th September, 2020, 11:59 PM.

How to Submit?

All submissions must be mailed to

Formatting Guidelines

  • All the Contents in the Article including Footnotes, shall be typed in Times New Roman.
  • The Heading of the Articles shall be In Font Size 14, Central Aligned, Bold and must be written in Capital Letters.
  • The Abstract must be in Font Size 11, Justified Aligned, Single-line spacing and must be written in Bold and Italics.
  • The Main Body of the Articles must be in Font Size 12, justified aligned, 1.5 line-spacing and must not be in Bold and Italics.
  • The Citations must be provided as Footnotes, with Font size 10, justified aligned with single-line spacing.
  • Bluebook 20th edition shall be used as a mode of citation.

Registration Details

Registration for the competition shall be Free of Cost.

Submission of the papers shall automatically register the participant(s) for the competition.


  • The Best Research paper with the highest score will be declared “Best Researcher” and the author(s) will be awarded a merit certificate.
  • The Research paper with the second-highest score will be declared as “Second Best Researcher” and the author(s) will be awarded a merit certificate.
  • The Research paper with the third highest score will be awarded as “Third Best Researcher” and the author(s) will be awarded a merit certificate.
  • The Next Ten Best Research papers will be awarded the title of the “Honorary Mention”.
  • All the Research Papers of the above-mentioned 13 candidates will be published in our Journal and a Certificate of Publication will be provided to them separately signed by the Founder of the Organization along with a Professor from the field of Law.
  • The same criteria will be followed for the other categories also, via- Legal Essays; Legislative Analysis; Book/Article Revivers and Case Commentary, where the top 13 candidates will be awarded in the same manner provided for the Researchers.
  • Certificate of Participation will be provided to all the participants.

Contact Details

E-mail ID:


The website link of the All India Journal on Analysis of Contemporary Legal Affairs (AIJACLA)’s competition is here. is now on Telegram. Follow us for regular legal updates and judgements from the court. Follow us on Google News, InstagramLinkedInFacebook & Twitter. You can also subscribe for our Weekly Email Updates. Libertatem Group does not take any responsibility for the accuracy of this Event Notification. The post has been shared as we received it from the event organizers/host.

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