Libertatem Magazine

3rd Article Writing Competition by Brain Booster: No Fee, Submit by November 30

Contents of this Page

About the Blog

Brain Booster Articles seeks to provide a platform to everyone who wishes to write or analyze any legal, social-legal and contemporary issues. It seeks to foster research and writing skills.

Call for Articles

Brain Booster Articles invites submission from students, professionals or others who are interested in publishing with us.


Academicians, Practitioners, researchers, students and others interested in the field may send original and unpublished articles.


Brain Booster Articles welcomes all articles related to law, socio-legal and contemporary issues.


  • The article must be an original and unpublished work of the author(s). Authorship is permitted to up to three authors.
  • The Article must be submitted in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx) to, and the subject line of the email should include your blog title and your name. If you would like your blog piece to include a photo and a short biography, please include this information in your submission email.
  • The word limit for each post is 750 to 2000 (excluding endnotes).
  • All submissions must be in Times New Roman, font size 12, with line spacing 1.5. Please ensure the inclusion of endnotes instead of footnotes. All endnotes should be in Times New Roman, 10, with line spacing 1. All references should be in the form of hyperlinks.
  • The manuscripts which are found to have plagiarized content above 15% will be disqualified without review.
  • Once an article is accepted, Brain Booster Articles editorial board may make language, content and structural edits to enhance readability, clarity, grammar, spelling and consistency with our Editorial Policy.

Important Dates

Last date of submission: November 30, 2020

Intimation of Acceptance/Rejection: Within 48 hours from the submission

Payment Charge

No publication fee and registration fee.


Top 10 articles will get the ‘Certificate of Excellence’ with the ISBN. The top 10 articles will be compiled in the first ten positions in the Anthology of Articles (November 2020 Edition)

Contact Details


WhatsApp: 9952657851


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