Libertatem Magazine

1st Article Writing Competition (The Writing Oasis) 2020 by Glocalex: Register by Nov 25

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Glocalex is pleased to announce their first Article Writing Competition (The Writing Oasis) 2020.

This competition is open to articles written by undergraduate law students from any recognised university/college.

Glocalex’s Writing Oasis aims to encourage law students across various colleges, through a quality article writing competition to develop an original thought process and analyse not only international but also municipal contemporary issues adversely affecting humankind.

The pre-condition is to understand the role of law and to find innovative solutions to the problems. Our primary objective is to develop a sense of enthusiasm among law students towards legal research and provide them an opportunity to exhibit their skills.

The students participating will not only get a chance to win cash prizes, internship opportunities and publication at Glocalex but will also help them widen their perspective while elucidating on various legal aspects.


Glocalex is making its efforts to be the Jurisprudential Axis of the World. Writing oasis will be aiming to cover global issues adversely affecting the community:

  • Law and Global Catastrophic Risks [Climate change, Artificial general intelligence, Biotechnology risk, Ecological collapse, Global pandemic]
  • Democracies of the World
  • Human Rights/Humanitarian Assistance and Policies
  • Public International Law – War Crimes, Terrorism and National Security
  • Trade and Commercial Laws
  • Analysing Emergency and Disaster Relief
  • Immigration, Nationality and Citizenship

Rules to be Followed

The Editorial Board will pay specific attention to these questions:

Is the analysis original, fresh and innovative? Is the topic more than a simple description of a court decision or any other legal development?

Is the topic relevant and engaging?

Is the article well written, with strong footnoting following the 20th Bluebook edition and insightful information?

  • Entries will be evaluated on clarity, including on syntax, grammar and spelling.
  • Content must be the original work of a single author and may not have been written for paid employment and must not be under review for publication anywhere at the time it is submitted to this competition.
  • All citations should conform to The Bluebook (20TH EDITION). Footnotes should be instructive and not merely cite a case or secondary source.
  • The body and footnotes should be in 12-point Times New Roman and 10-points Times New Roman font respectively. Word limit: 1200-1500 words. Articles can only be submitted as Microsoft Word File.
  • No person shall submit more than one entry.
  • The Competition’s Editorial Board reserves the right to award or reject any submissions.
  • File names of your Word must only contain the title and name in the following format: [Name – Title of the Paper].
  • The participant must mention their full name, affiliated university, course, year of study, email address and title of the paper on the cover page of their submission.
  • Any page, except the cover of the submission, must not contain any of the details as mentioned in Point 8.
  • Violation of any of the above guidelines shall lead to disqualification.


  • For the Winner: Rs. 1200/- with 9 Months Subscription of CLA Online
  • First Runner-up: Rs. 1000/- with 6 Months Subscription of CLA Online
  • Second Runner-up: Rs. 800/- with 3 Months Subscription of CLA Online
  • Top 20 Articles will get an opportunity to be reviewed by the Glocalex’s Editorial Board and thereby to be published at if selected.
  • All successful participants shall receive a Participation Certification.

Important Dates

  • Registrations & Submissions Start: October 25, 2020; 12:01 AM
  • Last Date of Registration: November 25, 2020; 05:00 PM
  • Last Date of Submission: November 30, 2020; 05:00 PM

Contact Information

For any query, write at

Important Links

To register for the article writing competition, click here.

To submit your article, click here.

For full details of the article writing competition, click here. is now on Telegram. Follow us for regular legal updates and judgements from the court. Follow us on Google News, InstagramLinkedInFacebook & Twitter. You can also subscribe for our Weekly Email Updates. Libertatem Group does not take any responsibility for the accuracy of this Event Notification. The post has been shared as we received it from the event organizers/host.

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