Libertatem Magazine

14th National Article Writing Competition by Think India [Cash Prizes Upto Rs. 3K + e-Certificates]: Submit by Sep 25

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About the Organiser

Think India is an initiative to bring together the best talent of this country and to infuse them with a nation-first attitude. It is an active forum of researchers, professionals, and students where they debate on national issues, raise their concerns and offer innovative solutions to problems.

About the Competition

Think India is organizing our 14th National Article Writing Competition wherein submissions are invited from students, research scholars, academicians, and professionals from all across the country.


Articles are invited on either of the following topics:

  • Should India revise the Age of Marriage?
  • Bharat Ratna Pranab Mukherjee: Life & Lessons
  • Militarising the Quad: An Indian Perspective
  • Indian Constitution without Kesavananda Bharati
  • Multi-disciplinary Education & Indian Institutions
  • Violent Protests in a Constitutional Democracy

Awards & Certificates

  • E-certificates of participation will be provided to all the participants who make a valid submission in line with the Submission Guidelines mentioned herein.
  • The three best entries shall be awarded a cash prize worth ₹1000/- each along with e-Certificates of merit.


Students/Research Scholars enrolled in any UG/PG/Ph.D. course, Academicians associated with any educational institution (University/College), Professionals across various fields practising in India.

How to Submit?

Interested participants can submit the articles through this link.

Submission Guidelines

  • The file must be in .doc/.docx format and the file size should not exceed 1 MB.
  • Language of the Article may be either English or Hindi.
  • Each submission must have its own Title on the basis of topic selected.
  • The body of the submission must be in the format as specified. [Font: Times New Roman or Mangal (For Hindi), Size:12, Line-Spacing: 1.5, Justified].
  • Submission must contain footnotes, wherever required. All footnotes must be in the format as specified. [Font: Times New Roman, Size: 10, Line-Spacing: 1.0, Justified].
  • The word limit for the articles is 1200-1500 words, exclusive of footnotes.
  • An article can be co-authored by a maximum of two participants.
  • The file name of the submission must be as follows: a. In case of Single Author – ‘<first name><last name>’ e.g. Aditya Kashyap.docx b. In case of Co-authors – ‘<first name of Author 1> & <first name of Author 2>’ e.g, Aditya & Shiva.docx
  • Submissions with a similarity percentage above 15 percent will be automatically rejected and the respective participants would not be eligible for receiving e-certificates of participation.

Submission Deadline

25th September, 2020

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