About Tribal Rights Forum
Tribal Rights forum is a new initiative under Think India where they aim to work towards spreading awareness about tribal rights amongst people from all walks of life through various events. The forum is also working to improve the level of education in Tribal Communities.
About the Competition
Poetry whatever the form it be, has played a revolutionary role in the history of India be it in Independence Movement or during th Emergency, poetry has been catalyzing change. Hence to catalyze the aim of Tribal upliftment we proudly Present the first edition of वन Voice: The Poetry Writing Competition.
The poem should be original work either in English or Hindi, and must be within a word limit of 100-500 words. Top ten poems will be published on the official page and website of Think India along with Internship and Live Performance Opportunity.
The themes for the competition are as follows:
- Forests and other land rights
- Tribes of a particular region of the country
- Wildlife conservation
- Relocation or displacement of tribal people
- Endangered languages or tribes
- Crimes against Tribal people
- Dignity and respect vis-à-vis tribal people
- Democracy and indigenous people
How to Register?
- Interested participants can register for the competition through this link.
- Participation Certificate will be provided to all the participants.
- No registration fee.
Registration Deadline
Nov 30, 2020
Phone: 7073054521
Email: tribalrights.thinkindia@gmail.com
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