Libertatem Magazine

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Libertatem News Network

One Rank, One Pension – Yet to see the Light of the Day?

The promises today have to be made by the old and the new Gods. The manifesto of BJP in the Lok Sabha Elections of 2014 concretely stated that the age old promises made by the government would be implemented by it, but not to the amazement of Indian Ex-Servicemen Association

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Corrective Rape: A naked reality

I am proud of my nation, where marriage is considered as a pious relation, though wife is considered as a property of the husband; I am proud of my nation, wherein Rape inside the knot of marriage is not criminalized; I proud of my nation, where family members on one

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Hybrid Arbitration Clauses: Are They Cornering The ICC Rules?

The law of arbitration is premised on the fundamental principle of party autonomy, that is, the freedom of parties to contractually devise mechanisms for resolution of their disputes subject to mandatory rules of the public policies. In most cases, the parties agree that an arbitral institution should administer arbitration cases under their own arbitration rules. Occasionally, the parties

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Maggi In The Cobweb Of Regulations

Maggi, one of the most popular and successful products, has created history by maintaining its monopoly in the noodles market in India for more than 25 years. None of us can forget the 2 Minutes Maggi ads on television which tempts us to buy it. It has remained the favorite

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Greece crisis: The History of Recession Repeats Itself

July 5, 2015. Greece asserted a resounding ‘NO’ via a referendum, in the face of its creditors’ proposal for the bailout and austerity measures. Since then, there has been a myriad of thoughts expressed across the International community by people subscribing to different ‘-isms’. The subscribers of Capitalism have resorted

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When the Birds claimed for Right to Life with Dignity

It was indeed the wish of the Hon’ble Supreme Court to see the Part III of our Constitution (especially) being interpreted liberally to do justice to the victims of the society. But the question that now remains is that by liberal interpretation, did the apex court mean to stretch those

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Ban on Netaji’s Picture: Judicial Activism or Overreach

In yet another landmark judgment given by the bench of Ranjan Gogoi & N.V. Ramana JJ., the Supreme Court restrained ruling parties from publishing photographs of political leaders or prominent persons in government-funded advertisements, which was criticized by a lot of political groups pronouncing it to be judicial overreach. Well

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