Libertatem Magazine

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Libertatem News Network

Manual Scavenging: A Human Rights Violation against the Dalits

Human Rights issues are a fairly dealt subject in the academia in today’s times, but often, we fail to ask ourselves the most basic and yet immensely important question: ‘Do people really care about Human Rights Violation in a country like India?’ On the brink of touching 68 years of

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Iran’s Nuclear Deal: A New Horizon for Iran’s Nuclear Program

Iran’s Nuclear program has always been a topic of controversy in the world, as the world’s major powers in general and the United States in particular, fearing that a Nuclear program of a ‘middle east’ nation would lead to severe consequences to the world. It is feared that an unregulated

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Kalam’s Journey to the Skies

“That man was made of something else!” quite a few of us exclaimed as we saw Kalam leave the mortal world. We, the mediocre average-thinking individuals that largely constitute the Indian society, precisely like to separate the leadership cult from ourselves. We presume those that decide to change the world

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Child Labour : Their Choice Or An Irony Of Fate

Running on the road or at any other public place,  a feeling of gust and pity always arises in our hearts, both for the country and the slum children begging or working with their innocent faces and needy eyes. Hardly any of us will empty our pockets there, but our

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Ufa BRICS Summit: What was India’s catch?

Goldman Sachs in its publication in the year of 2001 first time ever coined the acronym BRIC to mention a new economic growth centre for the near future. By the time the developed economies realised the power of these nations, their economic structures expanded manifold. The first successful summit of

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Preserving The Past For The Future

“Let’s seek not heritage belongs to which nation, Let’s strive to preserve it for every coming generation!” -Sri Vidhya Jayakumar Culture and Heritage is not a luxury but it is a basic need of  mankind. Cultural Heritage can be described as the legacy of physical artefacts and intangible attributes of

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