Libertatem Magazine

Picture of Harsh Asrani

Harsh Asrani

Obtaining EC Is Mandatory Before Initiating Construction Under Environmental Impact Assessment, 2006: Jharkhand High Court

Case Excerpt The present writ petition is about the constructions done without obtaining Environmental Clearance (EC) which falls under Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), 2006. Due to these alleged violations, the writ petition asked for the issuance of direction from the said respondents.  Facts of the Case The Petitioner,  Confederation of

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To Establish an off-Campus Centre, One Needs To Follow Necessary Guidelines Given by the Institute of Eminence: Jharkhand High Court

Excerpt This writ petition was filed on 06-11-2020 for quashing the notice given by the office of ADG(ME), Government of India, Directorate General of Health Services, Medical Counselling Committee (MCC), New Delhi. Further, Petitioner no.1 Manipal Tata Medical College has been removed from the counselling process of UG Seats in

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The Family of the Deceased Person Should Be Informed Immediately About the Die in Harness Scheme by Government

Case Excerpt Here, the Respondent was the original Petitioner. This is an appeal filed by the State Government challenging the judgment dated 03-09-2019. The said judgment explains the delay in issuing certificates and ignorance towards the Petitioner on not informing about the Die-in-harness scheme.   Facts of the case Petitioner’s

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In Case of Medical Emergency, Government Employees’ Medical and Travel Compensation Should Not Be Rejected: Tripura High Court

The Petitioner is a post-graduate government school teacher. He was diagnosed with an encephalitis seizure disorder. Following that, he was twice admitted to local hospitals and twice to Apollo Hospital, Chennai. He requested the government for paying medical and travelling compensation for his treatment. It was denied as the Petitioner didn’t fill referral orders from Standing Medical Board. 

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