A writ petition has been filed in the Supreme Court against BJP Spokesperson Sambit Patra and ABP news alleging that a conspiracy has been hatched by them to implicate innocent farmers as terrorists and hooligans by running fake news on its news channel.
Advocate Manohar Lal Sharma said that a person cannot be called a terrorist as per the definition in law. He further says that farmers who are empty-handed cannot be termed, terrorists. The Allegation is false and the actions placed under the allegations are illegal.
He sought directions from the Centre to direct the National Investigation Agency to file an FIR against Sambit Patra and the ABP news channel under Sections 211 and 182 of IPC. On the charges of the false allegation, he also sought to prosecute them as per law as the advocate believes that this is a conspiracy hatched by them to abuse the innocent farmers as terrorists.
The petition also seeks to the media not to declare any farmer a terrorist without any evidence in hand. It also asks the media not to present any personal opinions on the case that can affect the mindset of viewers and just stick to the facts of the case.
The petition attached a photo of the Republic day incident where some individuals allegedly removed the national flag and placed their own. It went on to say that if the picture is closely looked at, no one removed the national flag and it was just a criminal allegation posed.
The petitioner also contended that there were a lot of farmers who were on their fixed routes without any arms or explosives during the tractor rally which was not aired on TV. The petition questions as to how empty-handed farmers can be called terrorists and asked on what grounds are the reporters and BJP spokespersons have been shouting on TV about them not being farmers but terrorists.
The petition blamed the Delhi Police for the matter and said that they deliberately mislead the farmers and did not follow a legal mechanism to guide the tractor rally route. It also stated that despite the police granting permission for the farmers to enter Delhi, the police restricted them from entering through the prescribed routes which compelled the farmers to break barricades and enter.
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